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14 Nov 2024
In reply to @aidalgol:matrix.org
Is there a URL for using the Lix NixOS module that tracks the latest stable release, so I don't have to manually check for new releases and update my flake inputs, and I instead get new releases just running nix flake update?
i think it's on the roadmap
15 Nov 2024
@lt1379:matrix.orglunIs it appropriate to ask questions about lix cli usage here that would also apply to CppNix?02:39:58
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)I think it very much would!05:55:39
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)The CLI is very much WIP, so if you have questions there's probably area for improvement05:56:22

       error: uri https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/matrix%2Fgrapevine-fork/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD changed final destination from https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/matrix%2Fgrapevine-fork/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD to https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/150/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD during transfer
@k900:0upti.meK900You what06:11:48
@k900:0upti.meK900 `error: uri https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/matrix%2Fgrapevine-fork/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD changed final destination from https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/matrix%2Fgrapevine-fork/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD to https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/150/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD during transfer
error: uri https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/matrix%2Fgrapevine-fork/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD changed final destination from https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/matrix%2Fgrapevine-fork/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD to https://gitlab.computer.surgery/api/v4/projects/150/repository/commits?ref_name=HEAD during transfer
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles We did rename it to get rid of the -fork so I'm not surprised there's a redirect involved if you're pointing at the old URL 06:15:15
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesBut I have no guesses why that's an error06:15:40
@k900:0upti.meK900It worked on the next try06:16:00
@k900:0upti.meK900And "during transfer" what06:16:05
@gulbanana:matrix.orggulbananai'm trying to install lix on a macos system, and it seems to have got stuck at Step: Provision Nix. any ideas how i can debug or recover from this/07:08:35
@gulbanana:matrix.orggulbanana * i'm trying to install lix on a macos system, and it seems to have got stuck at Step: Provision Nix. any ideas how i can debug or recover from this?07:09:38
@lunarequest:greyseal.eulunarequest 🏳️‍⚧️ changed their display name from lunarequest ⚡️ to lunarequest 🏳️‍⚧️.07:26:36
@gulbanana:matrix.orggulbananai got an error eventually, so i'll report it as an issue. looks like some sort of download failure08:00:47
@gulbanana:matrix.orggulbananadoes lix have its own binary cache, or is cache.lix.systems a proxy?08:26:01
@gulbanana:matrix.orggulbananalooks like lix doesn't have builtins.convertHash from nix 2.19. any plans to add it?09:32:49
@gulbanana:matrix.orggulbanana(sorry about the question spam, i'm trying out a bunch of stuff for the first time)09:33:08
In reply to@gulbanana:matrix.org
does lix have its own binary cache, or is cache.lix.systems a proxy?
Lix doesn't have its own nixpkgs, so it doesn't need a separate binary cache
In reply to@gulbanana:matrix.org
looks like lix doesn't have builtins.convertHash from nix 2.19. any plans to add it?
I don't think anyone is actively working on it but I doubt anyone will be opposed
@quantenzitrone:matrix.orgzitroneWhat would you guys think about tab indentation stripping as an experimental feature in lix? This kinda scrapes the ice cube tho...15:29:28
@k900:0upti.meK900Language versioning first15:29:46
@k900:0upti.meK900Then break stuff15:29:48
@p14:matrix.orgp14 joined the room.15:53:08
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
Then break stuff
Is there a (public) roadmap for what that would look like?
@k900:0upti.meK900There isn't even a non-public one17:06:01
@hassle0588:matrix.orghassle0588 joined the room.17:15:47

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