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13 Nov 2024
@k900:0upti.meK900(and the monorepo will not be called lixpkgs) 21:45:50
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyzwhat would it be called, Lix Linux or something that's somehow worse than LixOS?21:46:38
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyz"ah yes, i use licks linux" "what."21:47:03
@k900:0upti.meK900It will not be called anything that has "Lix" in the name 21:49:00
@hellerbarde:fairydust.spaceP "Get started by cloning the repo licks packages [...]" - "err, i fail to parse this sentence... Halp."
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
It will not be called anything that has "Lix" in the name
Sound decision.
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyzit sounds like those stupid asterix roleplay things you see on, like, reddit or whatnot21:52:28
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyz "i'm going to install *licks linux*" 21:52:46
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyz...i'll stop talking now21:53:02
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)lmao21:53:12
@crazazy:utwente.ioCrazazy Ice cold Linux is still available I believe 21:54:22
In reply to @kfears:matrix.org
Am I doing something wrong? The tree that is supposedly "missing" is consistently the same...
I would need to debug the Gerrit on the server side, can we put aside some sync time?
@helle:tacobelllabs.nethelle (just a stray cat girl)for several reasons we want to make a Soft Serve joke....22:56:57
14 Nov 2024
@aidalgol:matrix.orgaidalgol SadlyNotSappho (she/her): See also Aux, which is roughly to nixpkgs what Lix is to Nix (the package manager). 03:11:35
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyzhuh, interesting03:14:22
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyzto be completely honest we're still learning nix, and for personal reasons we may have chosen the worst time for it, but we'll keep all this in mind03:14:54
@sadlynotsappho:catgirl.cloudmoved to @etherealconclave:myriation.xyzthanks!03:14:58
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadronis Aux actually usable? their templates seem to be a normal NixOS configuration03:17:45
@aidalgol:matrix.orgaidalgol It's not an actual distro yet, no. Best to read through the forum to get a picture of where they're at, or ask in #general:auxolotl.org 03:23:37
@kitten:plushie.cloud@kitten:plushie.cloud left the room.06:55:02
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)
In reply to @raitobezarius:matrix.org
I would need to debug the Gerrit on the server side, can we put aside some sync time?
Sure thing. I should be available daily from around 19:00-19:30 UTC if that works for you. I should also mostly be available throughout the day, but it's a little more complicated because that has gaps, so it would be easier if you picked an initial time range
@srtcd424:auxolotl.orgtc424 (Steve D)Realistically aux is probably a bit more of an experimental playground for how one might structure nixpkgs differently, and maybe host infra differently.11:22:51
@srtcd424:auxolotl.orgtc424 (Steve D)I'll leave commentary on the potential for a fork of 'classic' nixpkgs to others :) 🥯11:24:20
In reply to @kfears:matrix.org
Sure thing. I should be available daily from around 19:00-19:30 UTC if that works for you. I should also mostly be available throughout the day, but it's a little more complicated because that has gaps, so it would be easier if you picked an initial time range
19:00 - 19:30 UTC wfm, feel free to ping me at that time
@pfhuh:matrix.orgpfhuh joined the room.14:52:38
@aidalgol:matrix.orgaidalgol Is there a URL for using the Lix NixOS module that tracks the latest stable release, so I don't have to manually check for new releases and update my flake inputs, and I instead get new releases just running nix flake update? 19:53:56
@helle:tacobelllabs.nethelle (just a stray cat girl)oh, cute, different sites under lix.systems are loading different versions of the favicon, leading to interesting rendering20:36:23
@helle:tacobelllabs.nethelle (just a stray cat girl)clipboard.png
Download clipboard.png
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)
In reply to @raitobezarius:matrix.org
19:00 - 19:30 UTC wfm, feel free to ping me at that time
I'm ready now, but I must have misunderstood your message and missed the fact that you seem to be available FROM 19:00 TO 19:30 instead of from either of those times... I guess tomorrow same time?
In reply to @kfears:matrix.org
I'm ready now, but I must have misunderstood your message and missed the fact that you seem to be available FROM 19:00 TO 19:30 instead of from either of those times... I guess tomorrow same time?
yes let's try tomorrow

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