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8 Nov 2024
@kubeliv:matrix.orgliv [she/her] changed their display name from olivia to liv [she/her].04:17:38
@toastal:mozilla.orgtoastal-matrix-sucks changed their display name from toastal to toastal-matrix-sucks.08:57:11
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs huh, I have a github action that runs nix flake update on a checkout and I'm noticing that this command fetches all the inputs of the flake before updating inputs (which takes about 3/4 of the time to update)... is that necessary or can I avoid that? I would have expected the flake.lock to be the thing pertinent to that step... 13:43:20
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsOH WAIT it's downloading the new versions. never mind 🫠13:45:22

hmm, did anybody see something like this before:
error: build of '/nix/store/pvf6nybnd3l1bvdi4m74mrfkya1m9gwm-vm-test-run-postgresql_anonymizer-postgresql-17.0.drv' on 'ssh-ng://roflmayr?&' failed: builder for '/nix/store/pvf6nybnd3l1bvdi4m74mrfkya1m9gwm-vm-test-run-postgresql_anonymizer-postgresql-17.0.drv' failed with exit code 1 ?

2.92.0-devpre20241103_b1a0e3c on both sides.

@k900:0upti.meK900Sounds like it just failed to build no?13:55:56
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27oh damn it I pasted the wrong line13:59:02
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27anyways now that you mention it, it's still irrelevant because it's still te result of a build failure13:59:16
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27sorry for the nosie, guess I should take a break rn13:59:23
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)Don't worry, happens. It's Friday, after all 🫠14:04:23
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)I spent the whole day yesterday backporting a thing from CppNix and I get a test failure in one of the like completely unrelated tests and idk how to debug it, so I totally get the brain melt you might be experiencing14:05:30
@kb01guy:matrix.orgkb (any Pronouns) changed their display name from kb01guy (he/him) to kb (any Pronouns).15:15:22
@me:alice-carroll.petalice joined the room.15:19:37
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamoDoes anyone know why Lix isn't using substituters from flake configs anymore? Or at least that's the case from what I can tell18:50:29
@k900:0upti.meK900It definitely does for me18:51:22
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamo Can you try nix build --dry-run github:diniamo/niqspkgs#coreutils-full-patched? 18:51:51
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamo For reference I'm currently on nix (Lix, like Nix) 2.92.0-devpre20241028_9c22a4d 18:53:12
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamo * Can you try nix build --accept-flake-config --dry-run github:diniamo/niqspkgs#coreutils-full-patched? 18:54:49
@acidbong:envs.netAcid Bong
In reply to @diniamo:matrix.org
Can you try nix build --accept-flake-config --dry-run github:diniamo/niqspkgs#coreutils-full-patched?

Lix 2.91, stable

❯ nix build --accept-flake-config --dry-run github:diniamo/niqspkgs#coreutils-full-patched
these 2 derivations will be built:
these 4 paths will be fetched (5.80 MiB download, 5.96 MiB unpacked):
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamoYeah, they shouldn't be built19:40:04
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamoThe path is present in the cache from what I can tell19:40:18
@acidbong:envs.netAcid Bongaha, found the issue: nixConfig should be a top-level attr, but you put it in outputs19:40:56
@aloisw:kde.org@aloisw:kde.org Is the ?priority=… parameter in substituters officially expected to work? It doesn't seem to work any more, and I don't find it in the documentation. 19:53:26
In reply to @acidbong:envs.net
aha, found the issue: nixConfig should be a top-level attr, but you put it in outputs
Still no luck. But the problem first occured while building my system config, which always had nixConfig in the right place
@crazazy:utwente.ioCrazazy changed their display name from crazazy to Erik Oosting.20:04:17
@crazazy:utwente.ioCrazazy changed their display name from Erik Oosting to Crazazy.20:05:11
@diniamo:matrix.orgdiniamoAaand nixpkgs nix works, fun20:20:45
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @diniamo:matrix.org
Still no luck. But the problem first occured while building my system config, which always had nixConfig in the right place
after you moved it to toplevel, it works here (nix (Lix, like Nix) 2.92.0-dev-pre20241102-763a61b). it's possibly using cached tarball if you're doing it via github:[...] flake ref
@acidbong:envs.netAcid Bong
In reply to @lily:lily.flowers
after you moved it to toplevel, it works here (nix (Lix, like Nix) 2.92.0-dev-pre20241102-763a61b). it's possibly using cached tarball if you're doing it via github:[...] flake ref
can confirm for 2.91.1 as well

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