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17 Nov 2024
@seltyk:toyli.devSeltykis there a way to clean up nix's store/cache? i'm willing to bet more than half of whatever's in there is outdated anyways17:10:32
@seltyk:toyli.devSeltyk(and i'd quite like my hard drive space back)17:10:47
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadron nix-collect-garbage? 17:11:24
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadrondon't forget to garbage-collect often!17:14:30
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In reply to @seltyk:toyli.dev
i think i need to run nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair to get some updated derivations to build, but when i run it i just get my hdd spinning for 20 minutes before i give up and cancel it. that command has worked in the past, in a few minutes or less, and actually prints things out
also check your filesystem mount options, atime or relatime could noticeably slow this kind of operation (because with those, every time you read a file, you also write something to the disk to update the "last accessed" metadata)
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorer noatime deactivates access time updating, so you can't use that information anymore, but at least reads are only reads, they don't incur a bonus write 17:16:33
@aloisw:kde.orgaloisw Might not be the worst idea to run a nix store verify -r /run/current-system before the garbage collection if you suspect some store corruption (this verifies only the closure of your system configuration), to avoid painting yourself into a corner where you'd like to roll back. 17:16:35
@seltyk:toyli.devSeltyk unless thsoe are include in defaults they're not on here 17:16:35
@aloisw:kde.orgaloisw Just try mount without any arguments, it will show you what options are actually enabled. 17:16:59
In reply to @aloisw:kde.org
Might not be the worst idea to run a nix store verify -r /run/current-system before the garbage collection if you suspect some store corruption (this verifies only the closure of your system configuration), to avoid painting yourself into a corner where you'd like to roll back.
this particular build gets deployed to a different system; i'm not running NixOS
In reply to @aloisw:kde.org
Might not be the worst idea to run a nix store verify -r /run/current-system before the garbage collection if you suspect some store corruption (this verifies only the closure of your system configuration), to avoid painting yourself into a corner where you'd like to roll back.
* this particular build gets deployed to a different system; i'm not running NixOS on my daily driver
@aloisw:kde.orgaloisw Usually relatime is the default (and it's almost as bad as strictatime for reading Nix stores with lots of garbage). 17:17:40
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorer I think the default is relatime, which reduces the number of time the "access time" info is updated, but only for consecutive reads of the same file, so if you read a ton of small files, you still update the access time of all of them 17:17:45
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorer and I guess verifying the nix store does just that: read a ton of files exactly once, so relatime is just as bad as atime 17:19:30
@aloisw:kde.orgaloisw Right, if there's a lot of garbage, it won't have been read the last day, so relatime will not save you anything. 17:20:12

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@seltyk:toyli.devSeltyk *

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@anton:gersthof.comAntonI believe the lix overlay broke the nixd build for me. Possibly it shouldn't be overridden for nixd?17:57:45
In reply to @dettorer:matrix.org
haha ok it's juste some command-line tool to inspect current nixos options, ok thanks it seems to continue building now, I have another error (meson complaining that g++ cannot compile programs when building nixt) but I'll investigate before asking for help
Have you find a solution for this one? I had the same issue with nixos-option and it now fails with, i assume, the same g++ error while building nixt
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorernope, I didn't have the time to research it much, but a simple search at nixpkgs' issues didn't bring up anything so it doesn't seem like something a lot of people have encountered18:30:40
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorer(or I didn't search correctly)18:30:49
@just1602:systemli.orgjust1602Heheh, I just did the same thing and didn't find anything in the nixpkgs' issues, so that's why I was asking. Il'' continue to look for a solution then :D18:31:35
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (annoying)
In reply to @anton:gersthof.com
I believe the lix overlay broke the nixd build for me. Possibly it shouldn't be overridden for nixd?
It probably shouldn't, yeah...
@aftix:matrix.orgaftix Nixd build is broken for me on Darwin, but iirc it was also broken without the lix overlay 19:40:59
@bmillwood:matrix.orgBen Millwood set a profile picture.20:23:34
@just1602:systemli.orgjust1602 Dettorer: the issue is related to nixd, if you rmeove it, everything compiles again. nixt seems to be a library build by nixd, and there seem to have an issue with it. 21:10:00
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorer interesting, let me try (I do have one reference to nixd in my neovim config for autocompletion) 21:11:46
@dettorer:matrix.orgDettorerok yeah it seems to build21:20:13

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