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19 Oct 2024
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgnope, it should be fixed on main00:20:46
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoreweird, still having issues00:24:31
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamore jade_: I added lix and lix-module with their main.tar.gz 00:24:47
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamore called nix flake update 00:24:55

but still getting something like

 > sandbox initialization failed: Operation not permitted
 > lowdown: sandbox_init: Operation not permitted
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamorefyi, it's totally not urgent if you have midterms or something else to worry about00:26:00
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orghmmm. that's really weird. how are you installing lix? nix-darwin?00:29:31
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgmmm. is your config public? i can try to poke it in the repl for answers00:30:06
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamorehmm, updated one line and it worked lol!00:31:29
lix-module = {
  url = "https://git.lix.systems/lix-project/nixos-module/archive/main.tar.gz";
  inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  inputs.lix.follows = "lix";

I think it was inputs.lix.follows = "lix"; that I added

@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoreNix is still kind of a black box to me00:31:59
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgaha yeah00:32:06
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgwhat that did was make the lix used by the overlay in the nixos-module be the one you have as the "lix" input00:32:20
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgthe nixos-module overlay is where your lix ultimately came from00:32:32
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgso you had an old lix version by accident basically00:32:43
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoreoh, that makes sense00:38:29
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamorethanks for explaining that one :)00:38:38
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoremy lix setup is now back to normal00:38:45
In reply to @jade_:matrix.org
what that did was make the lix used by the overlay in the nixos-module be the one you have as the "lix" input
to be honest, I'm not sure I entirely get what a nixes-module is
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orghttps://git.lix.systems/lix-project/nixos-module/src/branch/main/flake.nix#L20 it is a nixos module that applies a nixpkgs overlay. lix sources are injected into the module, which then passes them to the overlay which then puts lix into your nixpkgs while evaluating your configuration03:17:10
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoreoh that's interesting03:22:20
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoreand this option builds Lix every time instead of using the one packaged on nixpkgs right?03:22:46
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org Lix 2.91.1 is now out with the fix you want anyhow, but the lixFromNixpkgs overlay probably fixed it regardless 03:23:23
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org * Lix 2.91.1 is now out with the fix you want anyhow, but the lixFromNixpkgs overlay probably fixed it even before that 03:23:27
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamore I think I'm gonna be adventurous and ride the main 03:27:12
@redsycamore:matrix.orgredsycamoreit's too exciting to pass up03:27:35

Anyone else having a hard time installing the new Lix release? Both on a device that previously didn't have Lix, and one upgrading from 2.91.0, I get the error error: attribute 'stable_upstream' missing - both using a NixOS Flake. Scrolled up a ways in this chat, and did some googling, but it doesn't seem like anyone else is having this?


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