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14 Oct 2024
@ross:rossabaker.comRoss A. BakerHasn't changed in eight years, but that definitely lines up with the error. 🤔20:30:00
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgwell what i think happened here is apple changed the behaviour lol20:30:41
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orggiven that we are well aligned with a major macOS release date20:30:51
@ross:rossabaker.comRoss A. BakerAnd "#if HAVE_SANDBOX_INIT" is on commit "proper compilation on MacOS"... we're zeroing in on the OS variance, at least!20:30:55
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgwell yeah we know it is macOS specific stuff, sandbox_init is a thingy that does macOS sandboxing that is "deprecated" with no replacement (and used extensively by browsers so like, lolz)20:31:26
@puck:puck.moepucki suspect you can't nest sandbox invocations20:31:43
In reply to @puck:puck.moe
i suspect you can't nest sandbox invocations
this is my suspicion as well
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgbut the fact that it regressed is surprising20:32:01
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgsurely someone would have noticed this20:32:04
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.organd so i wonder if it borked in an apple update20:32:33
@ross:rossabaker.comRoss A. Baker I'm still on MacOS 13.7. I don't know if I'm in trouble by being behind? 20:33:04
@ross:rossabaker.comRoss A. BakerI'm still completely flummoxed by what that nixpkgs commit has to do with lowdown. It's bumping an IDE that doesn't appear to be in the picture anywhere.20:33:39
@puck:puck.moepuckthere's a possibility here20:34:32
@puck:puck.moepuckhahahah yeah20:36:12
@puck:puck.moepuckbetween those two commits, lowdown's behavior got changed20:36:38
jade@darwin01 ~ % sandbox-exec -f wat.sb echo 1
sandbox-exec: execvp() of 'echo' failed: Operation not permitted

well this is also interesting

jade@darwin01 ~ % sw_vers
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		14.7
BuildVersion:		23H124
@puck:puck.moepuckwhat's in wat.sb?20:38:02
@puck:puck.moepuck https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/commit/dc32d18e521e75f5be833bf5e8e5d980bb5211a3 there's this commit 20:38:05
jade@darwin01 ~ % cat wat.sb
(version 1)
;; Disallow everything by default
(deny default)

;; This system profile grants access to a number of things, such as:
;;  - locale info
;;  - system libraries (/System/Library, /usr/lib, etc)
;;  - access to to basic tools (/etc, /dev/urandom, etc)
;;  - Apple services (com.apple.system, com.apple.dyld, etc)
;; and more, see bsd.sb and system.sb in the corresponding directory.
(import "/System/Library/Sandbox/Profiles/bsd.sb")

@puck:puck.moepuck..does that profile give you access to wherever echo is?20:38:49
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgliterally trying to copy paste a sandbox profile from the internet that does anything at all20:38:58
@puck:puck.moepucknote it's the execvp that failed, not the sandbox_init20:39:18
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgokay yes that is the likely cause20:39:19
jade@darwin01 ~ % sandbox-exec -f wat.sb sandbox-exec -f wat.sb echo 1
sandbox-exec: sandbox_apply: Operation not permitted


In reply to @puck:puck.moe
https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/commit/dc32d18e521e75f5be833bf5e8e5d980bb5211a3 there's this commit
(i'm a bit unsure if this is the right move! lowdown's status on whether it is compiled with or without sandbox is now entirely dependent on whether it is built inside a sandbox or not?)
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org i put allow default in there 20:40:23
In reply to @puck:puck.moe
(i'm a bit unsure if this is the right move! lowdown's status on whether it is compiled with or without sandbox is now entirely dependent on whether it is built inside a sandbox or not?)
what ze fuck
@puck:puck.moepuck i think? 20:40:53

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