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7 Oct 2024
In reply to @kfears:matrix.org
Hmm, so the cache is wrong and gives errors, but the OS stuff is fine?
dscl reports fine, but the unix api getpwnam is stale somehow
@orangesnowfox:matrix.orgorangesnowfox set a profile picture.17:35:47
@yuuka1:matrix.orgKamil Yousuf joined the room.18:30:31
@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmck Is there any way to follow the latest released Lix module from a flake? The guide suggests hardcoding the latest release (currently https://git.lix.systems/lix-project/nixos-module/archive/2.91.0.tar.gz) and I am currently following https://git.lix.systems/lix-project/nixos-module/archive/main.tar.gz, but this leads to a rebuild pretty much every time I update my flake.lock 22:40:29
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgnope, there is a bug filed in lix releng for this, and it has not been done because it would simply need doing. i don't think the guide should be saying that though; the module version should match the lix version22:41:40
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgthe module should be 2.91.0 and you just don't have to specify the lix version at all. curious where you're seeing the wrong info as we should fix this22:42:12
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org * the module should be 2.91.0 and you just don't have to specify the lix URL at all. curious where you're seeing the wrong info as we should fix this22:42:21
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgyeah, so that gives you two options: the flake (which contains the URL to lix within it) and the non flake, which gives you both URLs at a specific version with a hash so they don't refetch themselves22:44:02
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgbut if you are asking about rebuilds, that is an unrelated thing: that's because lix does not have a binary cache with more than "the exact version we released"22:44:36
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org * but if you are asking about rebuilds, that is an unrelated thing: that's because lix does not have a binary cache with more than "the exact version we released built with the exact version of nixpkgs we built it with"22:44:45
@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmckI'm only asking about rebuilds because I only want to rebuild when a new version is released22:44:55
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org if you want to use lix from nixpkgs, the module has a lixFromNixpkgs attribute (which is importing the overlay with lix = null;) 22:45:18
@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmck I don't want to rebuild for some minor changes to main.tar.gz unless there is a new version. I was hoping that there was some latest-version.tar.gz which I could follow instead 22:45:24
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgthat's not why you are rebuilding though22:45:34
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgyou are rebuilding because nixpkgs changed22:45:38
@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmckah I see22:45:53
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgusing the lix shipped in nixpkgs fixes this. and our overlay can still be used with lix from nixpkgs as well22:46:03
@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmck How does that work? I include the module and also put nix.package = pkgs.lix;? 22:46:47
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orghttps://git.lix.systems/lix-project/nixos-module#flake-structure-and-usage there is some documentation of that option here. i was waiting for 2.91 to get into nixpkgs before updating the main user facing page (which happened like a month ago. so much to do.)22:47:07
In reply to @waltmck:matrix.org
How does that work? I include the module and also put nix.package = pkgs.lix;?
so the module installs an overlay that turns pkgs.nix into pkgs.lix. if you give it lix sources rather than null, it will also build lix and put it as pkgs.lix.
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.org nix.package need not be set, since pkgs.nix is now lix 22:48:10
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orghttps://git.lix.systems/lix-project/nixos-module/src/branch/main/overlay.nix#L54 see this code in the overlay22:48:52
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.organyway i am going away from my computer, gl22:49:06
@jade_:matrix.org@jade_:matrix.orgalso note the tradeoffs listed on https://lix.systems/add-to-config/ at the top for why it's like this. the secret third option of lix nixos module with lix from nixpkgs as i just mentioned now is not listed there, but it gets you the benefits of the module without rebuilding lix constantly22:50:43

I get the warning

warning: This Lix NixOS module is being built against a Lix with a
major version (got 2.91.0) other than the one the
module was designed for (expecting 2.92). Some downstream
packages like nix-eval-jobs may be broken by this. Consider using a
matching version of the Lix NixOS module to the version of Lix you are

I think this is because I am using HEAD rather than the last stable version of the overlay (as mentioned here)

@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmck To be clear, there is no overlay which follows the nixpkgs version of Lix and I will need to hardcode until the bug filed in lix relang is done? 22:54:08
@waltmck:matrix.orgwaltmckRereading the transcript I think so, thanks again for your help22:59:07

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