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16 Feb 2025
makeScopedPackagesFromDirectoryRecursive = newScope: directory:
  nixpkgs.lib.customisation.makeScope newScope (scope:
    nixpkgs.lib.filesystem.packagesFromDirectoryRecursive {
      inherit directory;
      callPackage = fn: args:
          (args // { sprinkle = self; });

not to interrupt but i have to share this extremely long function name i just wrote

@charles:computer.surgeryCharles(oh darn the attribute set merge thingy does not do what i had hoped it would)03:53:37
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsHm, maybe you need to use withCallPackage or whatever it’s called03:54:14
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles i was gonna go for builtins.functionArgs and doing it manually, but that sounds possibly better 03:54:38
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsnixpkgs.lib.callPackageWith, that’s the o e03:55:00
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs* nixpkgs.lib.callPackageWith, that’s the one03:55:04
* @charles:computer.surgeryCharles RsTFM03:55:23
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsI’m not sure it’s documented 😭03:55:44
@charles:computer.surgeryCharleshttps://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#function-library-lib.customisation.callPackageWith ?03:56:13
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsHah, oops! There we go03:56:23
In reply to @charles:computer.surgery
i was gonna go for builtins.functionArgs and doing it manually, but that sounds possibly better
This man is going to reinvent nixpkgs if left alone
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesin reality i'm just trying to make my dotfiles good03:57:34
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesusing my new sprinkles thingy03:58:00
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusExcited for the sprinkles RFC04:00:13
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles i briefly considered trying to write a lix plugin that provided a builtins.newSprinkle function 04:00:48
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles also i'm not sure if callPackageWith fits the bill here because i need to combine it with the scope.callPackage too somehow 04:03:01
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsAh, hmm, yeah that’s an issue04:06:29
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsOh wait, isn’t example 254 exactly that?04:07:53
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsETOOFUNCTIONAL for my brain atm04:08:37
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles 254 uses callPackageWith to construct the value for newScope, but i want to use an existing other value for that 04:09:10
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles e.g. nixpkgs.newScope 04:09:15

so... this works:

callPackage = fn: args:
    (args // (
        loadedFn = if builtins.isFunction fn
          then fn
          else if builtins.isPath fn
            then import fn
          else builtins.throw "???";
        requiresSprinkle = builtins.hasAttr
          (builtins.functionArgs loadedFn);
      if requiresSprinkle
      then { sprinkle = self; }
      else {}
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles now i'm getting infinite recursion presumably because i have packages like { foo }: (foo.override { bar = true; }) that retain the same name in my newly created scope from their original scope, but what's weird is that this wasn't happening before 04:27:35
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles maybe makeScope is the wrong abstraction and i need to use callPackageWith manually, i dunno 04:28:45
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsYeah, possibly. I’m not sure what the value of the scope is considering you can also do mutually-dependent packages with callPackageWith. Maybe eval speed04:32:05
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles tbh i think the point of makeScope is to avoid this exact infinite recursion issue i'm hitting 04:33:17
In reply to @charles:computer.surgery
makeScopedPackagesFromDirectoryRecursive = newScope: directory:
  nixpkgs.lib.customisation.makeScope newScope (scope:
    nixpkgs.lib.filesystem.packagesFromDirectoryRecursive {
      inherit directory;
      callPackage = fn: args:
          (args // { sprinkle = self; });

not to interrupt but i have to share this extremely long function name i just wrote

I wrote something similar which may be helpful as a reference

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