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15 Feb 2025
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (no longer human)Tell me more?11:20:31
@piegames:flausch.socialpiegamesDifferent precedence for the backpipe operator11:45:26
@piegames:flausch.socialpiegamesTry it out :)11:45:33
@kfears:matrix.orgKFears (no longer human)šŸ« 13:27:23
In reply to @aloisw:julia0815.de
In fairness, this bug has not been fixed in Lix either as far as I know.
There's a patch cooking
@noob_tea:matrix.orgtea sorry, meson noob here. is the lix that you get by just compile optimized? 18:20:21
@noob_tea:matrix.orgtea sorry, meson noob here. is the lix that you get by just compile o2 or o0? 18:20:28
@aloisw:julia0815.dealoiswDepends on how you did the setup, but it should be 2 by default.18:29:42
In reply to @s9616726:tu-dresden.de
for maximal confusion, call it minix
Linix šŸ˜œ
@helle:tacobelllabs.nethelle (just a stray cat girl)
In reply to @s9616726:tu-dresden.de
for maximal confusion, call it minix
nah, just call it echtnix (anyway, silly dutch humor)
@piegames:flausch.socialpiegamesWe already have the garnix CI ā€¦21:49:27
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianfastnix is also a good one22:24:18
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianSynonym for garnix but it's faster22:24:26
16 Feb 2025
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsā€œFast nixā€ in German would be ā€œalmost nothingā€ vs ā€œgar nixā€ being ā€œentirely nothingā€00:09:41
@r522:matrix.org522 joined the room.00:24:30
In reply to @raitobezarius:matrix.org
There's a patch cooking
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs samueldr: I made a few changes to your lix gha installer action (adding an option for extra nix config and a github access token); would you like a PR for that? 03:17:02
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs(also, thanks for that action, I'm slowly but surely yeeting all my cachix/install-nix-action usages from my projects) (:03:18:00
In reply to @antifuchs:asf.computer
samueldr: I made a few changes to your lix gha installer action (adding an option for extra nix config and a github access token); would you like a PR for that?
please, at worst we'll have a few rounds of discussions about the details
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsGreat! Iā€™ll polish and file it tomorrow (:03:30:40
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldrmaybe file two, if I understand what you did03:31:04
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr antifuchs: thinking out loud, you don't need to do anything about it... I'll probably then import the support tooling to get the README updated with the options, automatically, as found here, now that there will be options https://github.com/samueldr/more-space-action/blob/latest/support/update-readme.rb 03:33:56
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsThatā€™s a fantastic idea, I manually updated that but if thereā€™s a script itā€™s even better03:39:16
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsAlso, yep, one pr per option sounds right03:41:00

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