
NixCon Sponsorship Policy Discussion

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30 Dec 2023
@arianvp:matrix.org@arianvp:matrix.orgThanks for kicking this off!15:08:15
@julienmalka:matrix.orgJulien changed their display name from Julien - DECT 4575 to Julien.18:43:49
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulus changed their display name from lassulus (8587) to lassulus.19:30:32
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT 2128) to raitobezarius.19:52:20
31 Dec 2023
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.org changed their display name from piegames [☎ 9712] to piegames.12:40:40
19 Jan 2024
@Las:matrix.org@Las:matrix.org joined the room.17:43:17
28 Feb 2024
@/yvan:matrix.org@/yvan:matrix.org left the room.15:45:53
1 Mar 2024
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberek set a profile picture.15:21:11
11 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org joined the room.01:17:27
@theophane:hufschmitt.net@theophane:hufschmitt.net joined the room.09:29:31
@jakegrin:matrix.orgjakegrin joined the room.17:55:50
@phileas:asra.gr@phileas:asra.gr joined the room.20:29:20
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom joined the room.21:17:09
@mangoiv.:matrix.org@mangoiv.:matrix.org joined the room.21:18:25
@ckie:ckie.dev@ckie:ckie.dev joined the room.21:18:35
@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmot joined the room.21:20:54
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 🏳️‍🌈 joined the room.21:22:40
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI guess this opens up an entirely different can of worms, but how far are we going to take this? Assuming we all have the same ethical considerations - which is doubtful - are we taking our ethics just to sponsorships? Wouldn't the same concerns be valid, when we know that a company like Anduril uses NixOS for their activity? I am fully aware, that this might burst the context of this discussion. 21:25:38
@patka_123:matrix.org@patka_123:matrix.org joined the room.21:26:00
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI am going to leave this here as an inspiration. https://github.com/atErik/PeaceOSL/blob/main/PeaceOSL.txt21:26:34
@ckie:ckie.dev@ckie:ckie.dev The current problem is the foundation has already agreed to let Anduril sponsor. This will happen unless we stop it, and this is what we should be discussing. 21:26:57
@ckie:ckie.dev@ckie:ckie.dev This is a company that is facilitating murder of people and on the Discourse we can see the majority is not interested in their contributions being affiliated with Anduril 21:29:04
@ckie:ckie.dev@ckie:ckie.devThis room was linked by tomberek so we could inspect the previous discussions that went on here. Personally I think the discourse is a better place to continue the current discussion.21:30:05
@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmotMaybe the right thing to do is write up a statement and collect signatures, then post it to that thread21:30:19
In reply to @ckie:ckie.dev
This room was linked by tomberek so we could inspect the previous discussions that went on here. Personally I think the discourse is a better place to continue the current discussion.
They only allow for 1 post per hour there, so good luck getting through
In reply to @patka_123:matrix.org
They only allow for 1 post per hour there, so good luck getting through
Methinks you are misunderstanding the feature. The timer is per person
In reply to @piegames:matrix.org
Methinks you are misunderstanding the feature. The timer is per person
Methinks too, but I haven't posted anything and it still says that and can't post
@patka_123:matrix.org@patka_123:matrix.org I have pressed like on one post though, maybe that counts too? 21:32:37
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 🏳️‍🌈(that sounds like a bug)21:32:54
In reply to @rhelmot:matrix.org
Maybe the right thing to do is write up a statement and collect signatures, then post it to that thread
make it a git repo where people can send signed patches :)

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