
NixOS Deployments

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NixOS Deployment tooling247 Servers

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15 Apr 2024
@binarycat2324:matrix.orgShana Adams joined the room.03:31:44
@patrizio:bekerle.comPatrizio joined the room.07:41:28
16 Apr 2024
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonnWhat’s currently the recommended deployment tool? Still Colmena?12:16:49
In reply to @toonn:matrix.org
What’s currently the recommended deployment tool? Still Colmena?
Looks nice, need to play around with that 😊
I'm still doing a git pull and make switch (that applies the correct flake) on every machine.
In reply to @toonn:matrix.org
What’s currently the recommended deployment tool? Still Colmena?
* Thank you! Looks nice, need to play around with that 😊
I'm still doing a git pull and make switch (that applies the correct flake) on every machine.
@alex2022k:matrix.org@alex2022k:matrix.org left the room.12:26:28
@d5k:matrix.orgD5K joined the room.13:39:01
In reply to @toonn:matrix.org
What’s currently the recommended deployment tool? Still Colmena?
Hm, couldn't find out how to work with colmena when you already have a flake based config for all your hosts (like https://github.com/pbek/nixcfg/blob/main/flake.nix) 🤔 Where do you use it?
17 Apr 2024
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org changed their display name from alex3829 to real_z22.04:36:38
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org changed their display name from real_z22 to real_z2.05:34:07
@JoelMcCracken:matrix.orgJoelMcCracken joined the room.16:21:07
@lychee:lefishe.club@lychee:lefishe.club changed their display name from kay to kaylee.17:09:54
@k900:0upti.meK900 changed their display name from K900 ⚡️ to K9Ö0.17:16:42
@k900:0upti.meK900 changed their display name from K9Ö0 to K900.17:21:53
@k900:0upti.meK900 17:21:54
18 Apr 2024
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.club left the room.02:36:59
In reply to @patrizio:bekerle.com
Thank you! Looks nice, need to play around with that 😊
I'm still doing a git pull and make switch (that applies the correct flake) on every machine.
fyi, git pull and switch-to-configuration is what the auto-upgrade module is doing (or comin for the self promotion)
In reply to @lewo:matrix.org
fyi, git pull and switch-to-configuration is what the auto-upgrade module is doing (or comin for the self promotion)
In Colmena you mean?
In reply to @patrizio:bekerle.com
Thank you! Looks nice, need to play around with that 😊
I'm still doing a git pull and make switch (that applies the correct flake) on every machine.
* fyi, git pull and switch-to-configuration is what the auto-upgrade module is doing (or comin for the self promotion)
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Patrizio: No. I updated my message to avoid confusion. 09:35:12
In reply to @lewo:matrix.org
Patrizio: No. I updated my message to avoid confusion.
Ah, nice! So it's supposed to run on every nix machine to update itself, right?
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Patrizio: Correct 12:08:10
In reply to @lewo:matrix.org
Patrizio: Correct
I'll be looking into it, thank you! 😊
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Patrizio: In nixpkgs, there is also https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#sec-upgrading-automatic (which is less experimental) 12:13:20
In reply to @lewo:matrix.org
Patrizio: In nixpkgs, there is also https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#sec-upgrading-automatic (which is less experimental)
I might need more than that, I need to restart some docker services when the docker daemon is restarted 
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Patrizio: I think this could be achieved by a systemd service, with a dependency on the docker service. 12:21:48
@patrizio:bekerle.comPatrizio Need to look into that  12:23:10

this unit will be stopped (or restarted) if one of the other units is explicitly stopped (or restarted).

src: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/systemd.unit.html

@nscnt:matrix.org@nscnt:matrix.org joined the room.13:20:23
@elonsroadster:matrix.org@elonsroadster:matrix.org joined the room.18:32:19

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