
NixOS Deployments

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29 Mar 2024
@parallel21:matrix.orgparallel21 *


  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
    "L+ /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests - - - - ${bootstrapFile}"
@parallel21:matrix.orgparallel21🙌 That was much simpler than I anticipated – pretty clean too17:59:35
30 Mar 2024
@ivank:matrix.orgivan joined the room.04:13:03
@yoghurtt:matrix.orgyoghurt joined the room.10:27:46
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾 joined the room.11:35:47
@lunik1:lunik.one@lunik1:lunik.one left the room.15:12:39
@berry:berryez.xyzMr.Macska joined the room.17:46:32
@berry:berryez.xyzMr.MacskaHey yall, absolutely new to nix, how can I package my rust project so I can install it from my git server with fetchFromGitea ? I have not yet found a video or wiki page that explains it straight forward17:50:27
@k900:0upti.meK900 Look into buildRustPackage in the nixpkgs manual 17:54:29
@berry:berryez.xyzMr.MacskaYeah, i did that part but now I have no idea how to install it to my system :( Migrated to flakes a day ago and i saw some some way of installing stuff from github, can i do that too with my own instance of gitea?17:57:06
@k900:0upti.meK900This has nothing to do with flakes, really17:57:50

If you have a package already defined, you can add it to your system with something like

environment.systemPackages = [
  (pkgs.callPackage ./your-package.nix {})
@berry:berryez.xyzMr.MacskaNeat,. thanks17:58:37
@ahamon:matrix.orgAndy Hamon Has anyone endeavored to build a nixos image (i.e. using nixos-generators) that has a zfs filesystem? I was reading the implementation of make-disk-image.nix and it appears to use mkfs and cptofs which don't support zfs. 19:37:06
@ahamon:matrix.orgAndy HamonI'm guessing that the only way would be to find some replacement for those that can make a zfs filesystem... which I imagine involves booting a VM with a kernel with zfs support, as I'm unaware of a way to make a zfs filesystem with a userspace-only tool19:38:56
@ahamon:matrix.orgAndy Hamon * Has anyone endeavored to build a nixos image (i.e. similar to how you might using nixos-generators) that has a zfs filesystem? I was reading the implementation of make-disk-image.nix and it appears to use mkfs and cptofs which don't support zfs. 19:41:56
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusthere's an existing maker for ZFS single disk or multi dks19:43:20
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius * there's an existing maker for ZFS single disk or multi dkss19:43:22
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius * there's an existing maker for ZFS single disk or multi disks19:43:23
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusin nixpkgs19:43:25
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusbut it'd be VM only19:43:32
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusthere's no proper LKL stuff for ZFS19:43:37
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusbut someone could write such a thing and it'd make me happier in life19:43:50

nixpkgs on  release-23.11 [$?] 
❯ fd zfs-    
@ahamon:matrix.orgAndy HamonLKL means "make an image without ever booting a VM" right?19:44:31
@ahamon:matrix.orgAndy HamonAnyways, nice find!19:52:35
@kylegibbons:matrix.orgKyle Gibbons joined the room.21:23:38

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