
NixOS Foundation

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26 Jul 2024
@ronef:matrix.orgronefJust to close off the week on a fun note, Stack Overflow ran their yearly dev survey with over 60k responses and Nix landed #6 for most Admired devtool :) https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2024/technology#admired-and-desired16:10:21
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefdo we have a marketing page that gathers up metrics like that?16:10:56
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefit might be useful for fundraising efforts to have that kind of thing ready to go, to throw in a pitch deck16:11:59
@ronef:matrix.orgronefThat's a great idea, there's a bunch of things including Githubs Octoverse report where we year over year land in the top 1016:26:23
27 Jul 2024
@vika:fireburn.ruVika (she/her) joined the room.10:32:56
28 Jul 2024
@van_quixote:matrix.org@van_quixote:matrix.org left the room.18:30:31
29 Jul 2024
@imincik:matrix.org@imincik:matrix.org left the room.10:01:42
30 Jul 2024
@spumoni1201:matrix.orgspumoni1201 joined the room.01:41:29
@mrkline:uninsane.org@mrkline:uninsane.org left the room.06:44:24
@punnie:ethereal.iopunnie joined the room.14:08:41
1 Aug 2024
@vika:fireburn.ruVika (she/her) changed their profile picture.11:51:35
@f44:matrix.orgf44 joined the room.14:31:35
@5cgw7rykjg:matrix.org5cgw7rykjg joined the room.19:48:49
@ronef:matrix.orgronefNCA just posted the first draft for the values - https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-community-values-draft-for-feedback-before-finalisation/49950 ! Some thoughts - Starting with values was crucial as they set the stage for many, if not all, of the decisions we make today and in the future. It is important to mention, that this is just the beginning, everything we do and define will evolve, including the values that will come out of this process. Adapting, growing, and changing :) Looking for all feedback <3 22:13:54
2 Aug 2024
@ck3d:matrix.org@ck3d:matrix.org left the room.06:03:16
@fiioul:matrix.orgfiioul joined the room.19:44:20
3 Aug 2024
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.org@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.org left the room.18:36:29
5 Aug 2024
@ronef:matrix.orgronefI don't know how many and if folks are continuing to be impacted in our community by the situation in the market and more crazy layoffs but I'm writing this here as well: If I can help with polishing up a resume, a quick chat on interviews or to try and connect with the right folks at a company you are looking at, PLEASE REACH OUT. Blocked 1 hour a day for this at a minimum <3 18:21:01
6 Aug 2024
@devusb:matrix.orgdevusb joined the room.21:18:58
7 Aug 2024
@maciiiit:matrix.orgMacIT joined the room.12:41:49
@taffisher:matrix.org@taffisher:matrix.org left the room.19:12:56
@dazai:matrix.orgdazai joined the room.20:48:21
8 Aug 2024
@jackdk:matrix.org@jackdk:matrix.org left the room.00:26:36
9 Aug 2024
@andrzej_tejt:matrix.organdrzej_tejt joined the room.18:20:36
10 Aug 2024
@muhlinux:matrix.orgmuhlinux joined the room.07:39:21
12 Aug 2024
@hausken:matrix.orghausken joined the room.21:24:09
13 Aug 2024
@ekosz:matrix.org@ekosz:matrix.org joined the room.13:14:08
@ekosz:matrix.org@ekosz:matrix.org left the room.13:16:07
14 Aug 2024
@clevercoconut:matrix.orgclevercoconut joined the room.21:06:42
@aurorasystem:matrix.orgAurora Ennie Seidr (she / her) joined the room.21:25:05

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