
NixOS Foundation

380 Members
Public room for chatting with the NixOS Foundation Board101 Servers

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2 Jun 2024
@aloisw:kde.org@aloisw:kde.org set a profile picture.18:01:44
@aloisw:kde.org@aloisw:kde.org changed their profile picture.18:23:54
3 Jun 2024
@stephank:stephank.nlStéphan left the room.09:14:35
4 Jun 2024
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil changed their profile picture.02:43:29
@ronef:matrix.orgronefLets fill in a crab fit and I'll schedule a sync - https://crab.fit/wild-magnificent-hermit-crab-924178 I have the meeting with AWS this week and Tigris Data also is interested to run a potential exploration with us06:08:29
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT: 7248) to raitobezarius.11:16:01
@zerox:guix.uzzerox joined the room.18:27:55
@tanja:catgirl.cloudTanja (she/her) changed their display name from Tanja (☎️ 6920 at GPN22, she/her) to Tanja (she/her).18:51:53
@edef1c:matrix.orgedef joined the room.23:40:30
5 Jun 2024
@rina/:matrix.orgkait changed their display name from speepy to kait.08:12:16
@andar1an:matrix.org@andar1an:matrix.org joined the room.13:21:13
@ronef:matrix.orgronefMeeting tomorrow at 9:30pm CEST regarding S3 Cache Sync if anyone wants to join - https://jitsi.lassul.us/nix-s3-cache15:27:23
@ronef:matrix.orgronefMeetup up with the folks at nlnet for a sync today if anyone has topics or questions I can relay let me know15:30:07
6 Jun 2024
@npulidomateo:matrix.orgnpulidomateo joined the room.14:44:33
@ronef:matrix.orgronefApologies for the last minute change, I've moved the meeting for S3 Cache to 11pm CEST as I'll need to attend a funeral at that time. Please feel free to use the same link to join16:37:11
@shoglofi:matrix.org@shoglofi:matrix.org joined the room.17:32:43
@shoglofi:matrix.org@shoglofi:matrix.org left the room.17:35:27
@ronef:matrix.orgronefIf anyone is familiar with Nix usage at some level inside of Amazon/AWS can you please reach out to me? Related to S3 Cache sponsorship <3 22:20:58
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberekNotes at https://discourse.nixos.org/t/2024-06-06-re-long-term-s3-cache-solutions-meeting-minutes-6/46617 One outcome is that we will publish where the raw data is available for analysis.23:02:22
8 Jun 2024
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾 changed their display name from alina to alina🏳️‍⚧️🐾.10:37:58
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾 changed their profile picture.10:39:39

Quick Update, had a great chat with the Open Source Team at AWS who have provided us $9k/month credits for the past 12 months.
They are open to refreshing for another year so myself and a few others will be working on writing up a report that will assist them in requesting the budget. If anyone is interested to assist, please reach out :)

In general the main action item is to write up a summary of:

  1. Success of Nix in the past 12 months (feel free to send me data or points)
  2. Explanation of Nix consumption growth of S3 due to usage and examples
  3. Any examples of Nix usage inside of AWS or AWS customers
@hexa:lossy.networkhexawondering if we have AMI usage statistics, Arian would know15:46:52

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