@mjolnir:nixos.org |  | NixOS Moderation Bot | Admin(100) |
@--mlv:matrix.org |  | --mlv | User(0) |
@-=h0p3=-:matrix.org |  | -=h0p3=- | User(0) |
@-_o:matrix.org |  | -_o | User(0) |
@5cgw7rykjg:matrix.org |  | 5cgw7rykjg | User(0) |
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat |  | 7c6f434c | User(0) |
@aras14:matrix.org |  | | User(0) |
@paul:kuutamo.chat |  | | User(0) |
@albertc:matrix.org |  | Albert Chae | User(0) |
@alnet111:matrix.org |  | Alex | User(0) |
@alexou:femtodata.com |  | Alex Ou | User(0) |
@aubarnett:matrix.org |  | Alice | User(0) |
@alper-celik:matrix.org |  | Alper Çelik | User(0) |
@ambroisie:belanyi.fr |  | Ambroisie | User(0) |
@ami:the-apothecary.club |  | Ami | User(0) |
@amine.chikhaoui:matrix.org |  | Amine Chikhaoui | User(0) |
@ananya.kaligal:matrix.org |  | Ananya S Kaligal | User(0) |
@andreas:m00.se |  | Andreas | User(0) |
@anthonyrsl:matrix.org |  | Anthony Rsl | User(0) |
@amrht:matrix.org |  | Arham Hayat | User(0) |
@arianvp:matrix.org |  | Arian | User(0) |
@arshpratap3101:matrix.org |  | Arsh Pratap | User(0) |
@artturin:matrix.org |  | Artturin | User(0) |
@aurorasystem:matrix.org |  | Aurora Ennie Seidr (she / her) | User(0) |
@soispha:vhack.eu |  | Benedikt | User(0) |
@brainblur:matrix.org |  | BrainBlur | User(0) |
@codeboy:matrix.org |  | C0deboy | User(0) |
@cabalcrow:matrix.org |  | CabalCrow | User(0) |
@cat:feline.support |  | Cat | User(0) |
@claesatwork:matrix.org |  | Claes | User(0) |
@colin:uninsane.org |  | Colin | User(0) |
@crystal_forceix:matrix.org |  | Crystal_ForceIX | User(0) |
@dandellion:dodsorf.as |  | Dandellion | User(0) |
@d.tomov33:matrix.org |  | Daniel Tomov | User(0) |
@qualytllc:matrix.org |  | Danny Gerhardt | User(0) |
@zraexy:nixos.dev |  | David Mell (zraexy) | User(0) |
@diamondburned:matrix.org |  | Diamond (it/she) | User(0) |
@dimitarnestorov:matrix.org |  | Dimitar | User(0) |
@dolcetriade:matrix.org |  | DolceTriade | User(0) |
@dom:rodriguez.org.uk |  | Dom 'shymega' Rodriguez | User(0) |
@dmills27:matrix.org |  | Dominic Mills | User(0) |
@draketdl:matrix.org |  | DrakeTDL | User(0) |
@drewrypope:matrix.org |  | Drewry Pope | User(0) |
@bb010g:matrix.org |  | Dusk | User(0) |
@dp:anarchyislove.xyz |  | Dustin | User(0) |
@edsoncsouza:matrix.org |  | Edson C. Souza | User(0) |
@edwtjo:fairydust.space |  | Edward Tjörnhammar | User(0) |
@niksnut:matrix.org |  | Eelco | User(0) |
@eelco:nixos.org |  | Eelco 😴 | User(0) |
@elikoga:matrix.flyingcircus.io |  | Eli Kogan-Wang | User(0) |
@emma:rory.gay |  | Emma [it/its] | User(0) |
@europa_the_last_battle:matrix.org |  | Europa: The Last Battle 👈 | User(0) |
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.org |  | Ezzobir Bezziou | User(0) |
@florian.pester:cyberus-technology.de |  | Florian | User(0) |
@fritz.otlinghaus:helsinki-systems.de |  | Fritz Otlinghaus | User(0) |
@fynn:thewatcherpi.de |  | Fynn | User(0) |
@dasaman:matrix.org |  | Galactus | User(0) |
@grimmauld:grimmauld.de |  | Grimmauld (any/all) | User(0) |
@hbjy:matrix.org |  | Hayden | User(0) |
@heisfer:matrix.org |  | Heisfer | User(0) |
@hurdpublic:pub.solar |  | Hurd | User(0) |
@kranzes:matrix.org |  | Ilan Joselevich (Kranzes) | User(0) |
@industrialrobot:matrix.org |  | IndustrialRobot | User(0) |
@infinidoge:inx.moe |  | Infinidoge 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@jt-olio:matrix.org |  | JT Olio | User(0) |
@jackleightcap:matrix.org |  | Jack Leightcap | User(0) |
@james:gec.im |  | James Coleman | User(0) |
@jammie:matrix.org |  | JamieMagee | User(0) |
@jtojnar:matrix.org |  | Jan Tojnar | User(0) |
@janik0:matrix.org |  | Janik (they/them) | User(0) |
@nerves:bark.lgbt |  | Jason Odoom | User(0) |
@flacks:matrix.org |  | Jean | User(0) |
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.host |  | Johannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki | User(0) |
@Ericson2314:matrix.org |  | John Ericson | User(0) |
@jonavdm:matrix.org |  | Jona | User(0) |
@jonasem:matrix.org |  | Jonas | User(0) |
@zimbatm:numtide.com |  | Jonas Chevalier | User(0) |
@jshcmpbll:matrix.org |  | Joshua Campbell | User(0) |
@julienmalka:matrix.org |  | Julien | User(0) |
@kaywerty:fnord.theinfinitycorporation.com |  | K. Werty | User(0) |
@k900:0upti.me |  | K900 | User(0) |
@kasper24:matrix.org |  | Kasper | User(0) |
@kevinz56:matrix.org |  | Kevin Shah | User(0) |
@kiken_sr:matrix.org |  | Kiken | User(0) |
@kotomine:matrix.org |  | Kotomine | User(0) |
@narwhl:matrix.org |  | Kristopher Lam | User(0) |
@cblacktech:private.coffee |  | Libre | User(0) |
@lineararray:matrix.org |  | LinearArray | User(0) |
@louis2747:matrix.org |  | Louis2747 | User(0) |
@luke:vuksta.com |  | Luke | User(0) |
@luna:bddvlpr.com |  | Luna | User(0) |
@lunaphied:lunaphied.me |  | Lunaphied | User(0) |
@maciiiit:matrix.org |  | MacIT | User(0) |
@magnusjurdal:matrix.org |  | Magnus Jurdal | User(0) |
@mahmoudk1000:matrix.org |  | Mahmoud | User(0) |
@tennox:matrix.org |  | Manu [tennox] | User(0) |
@marcusramberg:matrix.org |  | Marcus | User(0) |
@gremlon:matrix.org |  | Mathias Leichtenstern | User(0) |
@matthew:matrix.org |  | Matthew | User(0) |
@mg:maximiliangaedig.com |  | Maximilian Gaedig ⚡️ | User(0) |
@s9616726:tu-dresden.de |  | Maximilian Marx | User(0) |
@rick:matrix.ciphernetics.nl |  | Mindavi | User(0) |
@numinit:matrix.org |  | Morgan (@numinit) | User(0) |
@paez:matrix.org |  | Narcotix | User(0) |
@nickkadutskyi:matrix.org |  | Nick Kadutskyi | User(0) |
@nikke89:matrix.org |  | Nikke | User(0) |
@noughtypixel:matrix.org |  | Noughty Pixel | User(0) |
@holivier:converser.eu |  | Olivier Heintz | User(0) |
@soulomoon:matrix.org |  | Patrick | User(0) |
@paulgdpr:matrix.org |  | Paul | User(0) |
@pnmadelaine:matrix.org |  | Paul-Nicolas Madelaine | User(0) |
@pawel.zydek:matrix.org |  | Paweł | User(0) |
@lunkentuss:matrix.org |  | Peter Hansson | User(0) |
@philip4g:matrix.org |  | Philip | User(0) |
@philiptaron:matrix.org |  | Philip Taron (UTC-8) | User(0) |
@qyriad:katesiria.org |  | Qyriad | User(0) |
@ralith:ralith.com |  | Ralith | User(0) |
@rvdp:infosec.exchange |  | Ramses 🇵🇸 | User(0) |
@renato-trevisan:matrix.org |  | Renato Trevisan | User(0) |
@rickynils:nixos.dev |  | Rickard Nilsson | User(0) |
@rob.vermaas:matrix.org |  | Rob Vermaas (he/him) | User(0) |
@roberthensing:matrix.org |  | Robert Hensing (roberth) | User(0) |
@robmicha:matrix.tu-bs.de |  | Robert Michael | User(0) |
@rosariopulella:matrix.org |  | Rosario Pulella | User(0) |
@rostby:matrix.org |  | Rostby | User(0) |
@adrgtneox:matrix.org |  | STEDUDY ADGRTEDU | User(0) |
@softinio:matrix.org |  | Salar Rahmanian (softinio) | User(0) |
@spost:matrix.org |  | Sam | User(0) |
@lehmanator:tchncs.de |  | Sam Lehman | User(0) |
@sliedes:hacklab.fi |  | Sami Liedes | User(0) |
@sammy:cherrykitten.dev |  | Sammy (It/Its) | User(0) |
@sarahnovotny:matrix.org |  | Sarah Novotny | User(0) |
@sross:matrix.org |  | Sean Ross | User(0) |
@sebtm:lodere.es |  | SebTM | User(0) |
@mightyiam:matrix.org |  | Shahar "Dawn" Or (mightyiam) | User(0) |
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.org |  | Shalok Shalom | User(0) |
@shelby_nya:catgirl.cloud |  | Shelby Lynn | User(0) |
@siddheshkukade:matrix.org |  | Siddhesh Bhupendra Kuakde | User(0) |
@sigmanificient:matrix.org |  | Sigmanificient | User(0) |
@simonyde:matrix.org |  | Simon Yde | User(0) |
@ss:someonex.net |  | SomeoneSerge (UTC+U[-12,12]) | User(0) |
@shivayspec:matrix.org |  | Specx | User(0) |
@fgrsnau:matrix.org |  | Stefan | User(0) |
@delta231:matrix.org |  | Swastik Baranwal | User(0) |
@me:tkirishima.com |  | TKirishima | User(0) |
@tanja:catgirl.cloud |  | Tanja (she/her) | User(0) |
@tdrr:matrix.org |  | Tdr | User(0) |
@thestachelfisch:matrix.org |  | TheStachelfisch | User(0) |
@thibaultmol:matrix.org |  | Thibaultmol | User(0) |
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org |  | This Federico Damián is licensed under the terms of the he/him or they/them pronouns, at your choice | User(0) |
@markus:in.tum.de |  | Tobias Markus | User(0) |
@tomherbers:matrix.org |  | Tom (deprecated) | User(0) |
@buttars:matrix.org |  | TommyJ | User(0) |
@tomodachi94:matrix.org |  | Tomodachi94 (they/them) | User(0) |
@torstenboe:matrix.org |  | Torsten Boettjer | User(0) |
@torstenbtj:matrix.org |  | Torsten Boettjer | User(0) |
@atra1n:matrix.org |  | Train | User(0) |
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.org |  | Tristan Ross | User(0) |
@Valodim:stratum0.org |  | Valodim | User(0) |
@vika:fireburn.ru |  | Vika (she/her) | User(0) |
@weethet:catgirl.cloud |  | WeetHet | User(0) |
@whiteblackgoose:matrix.org |  | WhiteBlackGoose | User(0) |
@wimpress:matrix.org |  | Wimpy | User(0) |
@winter:catgirl.cloud |  | Winter | User(0) |
@yakampe:matrix.org |  | Yanis K | User(0) |
@yoav-lavi:matrix.org |  | Yoav Lavi | User(0) |
@errisnotnil:matrix.org |  | Yuddite G | User(0) |
@finer2750:matrix.org |  | Yuri | User(0) |
@vs49688:matrix.org |  | Zane | User(0) |
@zhaofeng:zhaofeng.li |  | Zhaofeng Li | User(0) |
@zyansheep:matrix.org |  | Zyansheep | User(0) |
@0x4a6f:matrix.org |  | [0x4A6F] | User(0) |
@a-kenji:matrix.org |  | a-kenji | User(0) |
@achuie:matrix.org |  | achuie | User(0) |
@aeroscia:matrix.org |  | aeroscia | User(0) |
@ahbk:matrix.org |  | ahbk | User(0) |
@aig:matrix.org |  | aig | User(0) |
@aktaboot:tchncs.de |  | aktaboot | User(0) |
@aleksana:mozilla.org |  | aleksana (force me to bed after 18:00 UTC) | User(0) |
@alexb:homeserver.ballmerlabs.net |  | alexb | User(0) |
@alguem_fora_da_matrix:matrix.org |  | alguem ai | User(0) |
@allrealmsoflife:matrix.org |  | allrealmsoflife | User(0) |
@andmuz:matrix.org |  | andmuz | User(0) |
@aqaffaf:matrix.org |  | aqaffaf | User(0) |
@arcayr:mischief.expert |  | arcayr | User(0) |
@arcz:matrix.org |  | arcz | User(0) |
@avacolon3:matrix.org |  | avacolon3 | User(0) |
@aynish:sealight.xyz |  | aynish | User(0) |
@azahi:azahi.cc |  | azahi | User(0) |
@baloo_:matrix.org |  | baloo | User(0) |
@bb_wtt.jpeg:matrix.org |  | bb_wtt.jpeg | User(0) |
@buf:matrix.org |  | buf | User(0) |
@c3r5b8:matrix.org |  | c3r5b8 | User(0) |
@c4lliope:matrix.org |  | c4lliope | User(0) |
@cafkafk:gitter.im |  | cafkafk | User(0) |
@cafkafk:m.cafkafk.com |  | cafkafk | User(0) |
@camocatx:matrix.org |  | camocatx | User(0) |
@camzer:matrix.org |  | camzer | User(0) |
@catcloud:envs.net |  | catcloud | User(0) |
@cblacktech:matrix.org |  | cblacktech | User(0) |
@cdepillabout:matrix.org |  | cdepillabout | User(0) |
@chito:tchncs.de |  | chito 😺 | User(0) |
@chrillefkrr:matrix.org |  | chrillefkrr | User(0) |
@clevercoconut:matrix.org |  | clevercoconut | User(0) |
@colemickens:matrix.org |  | colemickens | User(0) |
@common0r:matrix.org |  | comm0n(they/them) | User(0) |
@craige:mcwhirter.io |  | craige | User(0) |
@cyclopentane:aidoskyneen.eu |  | cyclopentane ⭔ | User(0) |
@d:matrix.xfe.li |  | d ⚡️ | User(0) |
@danielle:fairydust.space |  | danielle | User(0) |
@danielrf:matrix.org |  | danielrf | User(0) |
@dariof4:matrix.org |  | dariof4 | User(0) |
@dayvidpham:envs.net |  | dayvidpham | User(0) |
@dazai:matrix.org |  | dazai | User(0) |
@ddima:matrix.org |  | ddima | User(0) |
@deniel22:matrix.org |  | deniel22 | User(0) |
@depthruby:matrix.org |  | depthruby | User(0) |
@devusb:matrix.org |  | devusb | User(0) |
@dgrig:erethon.com |  | dgrig | User(0) |
@dhl:edgerunners.eu.org |  | dhl | User(0) |
@djacu:matrix.org |  | djacu | User(0) |
@dunxen:x0f.org |  | dunxen | User(0) |
@dvl123:matrix.org |  | dvl123 | User(0) |
@eaon:matrix.org |  | eaon | User(0) |
@edef1c:matrix.org |  | edef | User(0) |
@eh8:matrix.org |  | eh8 | User(0) |
@eldios:chat.lele.rip |  | eldios (Lele) | User(0) |
@elikoga:matrix.org |  | elikoga | User(0) |
@embr:fairydust.space |  | embr | User(0) |
@eric.peiffer:matrix.org |  | eric.peiffer | User(0) |
@erincandescent:fairydust.space |  | erincandescent | User(0) |
@evak0:matrix.org |  | evak | User(0) |
@f0x:pixie.town |  | f0x | User(0) |
@f44:matrix.org |  | f44 | User(0) |
@fauxsoleil:matrix.org |  | fauxsoleil | User(0) |
@feamor:kde.org |  | feamor | User(0) |
@feel_stool:matrix.org |  | feel_stool | User(0) |
@felschr:matrix.org |  | felschr | User(0) |
@fgaz:matrix.org |  | fgaz | User(0) |
@fiioul:matrix.org |  | fiioul | User(0) |
@flokli:matrix.org |  | flokli | User(0) |
@forcing46:matrix.org |  | forcing46 | User(0) |
@fpletz:lodere.es |  | fpletz | User(0) |
@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.org |  | fricklerhandwerk | User(0) |
@9hp71n:matrix.org |  | ghpzin | User(0) |
@gotha:matrix.org |  | gotha | User(0) |
@harsh-ps-2003-63ce2d0d6da0373984bd6022:gitter.im |  | harsh-ps-2003 (Harsh Pratap Singh) | User(0) |
@hausken:matrix.org |  | hausken | User(0) |
@hayden:hayden.moe |  | hayden | User(0) |
@hdloqfa:matrix.org |  | hdloqfa | User(0) |
@hexa:lossy.network |  | hexa | User(0) |
@hoskellisiera:matrix.org |  | hoskellisiera | User(0) |
@iamameatpopsicle:matrix.org |  | iamameatpopsicle | User(0) |
@ibizaman:matrix.org |  | ibizaman | User(0) |
@immae:immae.eu |  | immae | User(0) |
@inayet:matrix.org |  | inayet | User(0) |
@infinisil:matrix.org |  | infinisil | User(0) |
@omnifounder:matrix.org |  | intabih | User(0) |
@io:meat.computer |  | io | User(0) |
@ironmagma:matrix.org |  | ironmagma | User(0) |
@irrelevancy:matrix.org |  | irrelevancyisthygoal One Confused Being | User(0) |
@ivank:matrix.org |  | ivan | User(0) |
@jakegrin:matrix.org |  | jakegrin | User(0) |
@jcrites:matrix.org |  | jcrites | User(0) |
@jeffwilde:matrix.org |  | jeffwilde | User(0) |
@jens:matrix.jepedersen.dk |  | jens | User(0) |
@jeztc:matrix.org |  | jeztc | User(0) |
@jhuc:matrix.org |  | jhuc | User(0) |
@joepie91:pixie.town |  | joepie91 🏳️🌈 | User(0) |
@jonas:ipsemet.xyz |  | jonas | User(0) |
@josw:matrix.org |  | josw | User(0) |
@jottr:matrix.org |  | jottr | User(0) |
@jowburner:matrix.org |  | jowburner | User(0) |
@randoneering:matrix.org |  | justin@randoneering | User(0) |
@justinrestivo:matrix.org |  | justinrestivo | User(0) |
@rina/:matrix.org |  | kait | User(0) |
@kallistoteles:matrix.org |  | kallistoteles | User(0) |
@k_t.666:matrix.org |  | kat ⛧ they/them | User(0) |
@kayh_online:matrix.org |  | kayh | User(0) |
@kazimk:matrix.org |  | kazimk | User(0) |
@ke4qqq:matrix.org |  | ke4qqq | User(0) |
@kipple:matrix.matmoa.xyz |  | kipple | User(0) |
@kpark955:matrix.org |  | kpark955 | User(0) |
@lanestolen:matrix.org |  | lanestolen | User(0) |
@lassulus:lassul.us |  | lassulus | User(0) |
@lazycaaat:matrix.org |  | lazycaaat | User(0) |
@leona:leona.is |  | leona | User(0) |
@kognise:matrix.org |  | lexi mattick | User(0) |
@lholh:matrix.org |  | lholh | User(0) |
@linex:matrix.org |  | linex | User(0) |
@me:linj.tech |  | linj | User(0) |
@linuxislob:matrix.org |  | linuxislob | User(0) |
@littlejohn24:matrix.org |  | littlejohn (jcray) | User(0) |
@llakala:matrix.org |  | llakala | User(0) |
@lmmohr:matrix.org |  | lmmohr | User(0) |
@lndn:matrix.org |  | lndn | User(0) |
@lolisamurai:animegirls.win |  | lolisamurai | User(0) |
@lord-valen:matrix.org |  | lord-valen | User(0) |
@lukegb:zxcvbnm.ninja |  | lukegb (he/him) | User(0) |
@luna-null:matrix.org |  | luna-null | User(0) |
@ma27:nicht-so.sexy |  | ma27 | User(0) |
@magikarpz:matrix.org |  | magikarpz | User(0) |
@mall0c:matrix.org |  | mall0c | User(0) |
@maralorn:maralorn.de |  | maralorn | User(0) |
@marijan:matrix.org |  | marijan | User(0) |
@old-mate:matrix.org |  | mate | User(0) |
@max:klandest.in |  | max | User(0) |
@mehonidas:matrix.org |  | mehonidas | User(0) |
@ckie:ckie.dev |  | mei 🌒& | User(0) |
@mektov:mtx.ohs.cx |  | mektov | User(0) |
@mib:kanp.ai |  | mib 🥐 | User(0) |
@madnessasap:matrix.org |  | michael@a5ap.net | User(0) |
@pleune:matrix.org |  | mitchpleune | User(0) |
@jee_mj:matrix.org |  | mj | User(0) |
@mkg20001:mkg20001.io |  | mkg20001 | User(0) |
@mokak15361:matrix.org |  | mokak15361 | User(0) |
@artur:glasgow.social |  | moved to @amadaluzia:tchncs.de | User(0) |
@mrdev023:matrix.org |  | mrdev023 | User(0) |
@mrtuxa:bark.lgbt |  | mrtuxa (Old) | User(0) |
@muhlinux:matrix.org |  | muhlinux | User(0) |
@ygt:matrix.org |  | nadir | User(0) |
@nat-418:nat-418.xyz |  | nat-418 | User(0) |
@nebunebu:matrix.org |  | nebu | User(0) |
@nikivi:matrix.org |  | nikivi | User(0) |
@noi0103:matrix.org |  | noi0103 | User(0) |
@schatztruhe:stratum0.org |  | nora | User(0) |
@npulidomateo:matrix.org |  | npulidomateo | User(0) |
@nyncral:matrix.org |  | nyncral | User(0) |
@obsqrprjkt:matrix.org |  | obsqrprjkt | User(0) |
@octomancer:matrix.org |  | octomancer | User(0) |
@oliver.falvai:oliverfalvai.xyz |  | oliver.falvai | User(0) |
@omniweb:matrix.org |  | omniweb | User(0) |
@xondtx:matrix.org |  | ondt | User(0) |
@p14:matrix.org |  | p14 | User(0) |
@gentle_packet:matrix.org |  | packet | User(0) |
@pajarove:matrix.org |  | pajarove | User(0) |
@pareto-optimal-dev:matrix.org |  | pareto-optimal-dev | User(0) |
@paultrial:banditlair.com |  | paultrial | User(0) |
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.no |  | pbsds | User(0) |
@rdean:matrix.org |  | pcs3rd | User(0) |
@pfhuh:matrix.org |  | pfhuh | User(0) |
@phaer:matrix.org |  | phaer | User(0) |
@pinpox:matrix.org |  | pinpox | User(0) |
@pl1y:matrix.org |  | pl1y | User(0) |
@kity:kity.wtf |  | problems | User(0) |
@proofconstruction:matrix.org |  | proofconstruction | User(0) |
@punnie:ethereal.io |  | punnie | User(0) |
@purepani:matrix.org |  | purepani | User(0) |
@putch4r:matrix.org |  | putchar | User(0) |
@clover.pyro:matrix.org |  | pyrotelekinetic (she/her) | User(0) |
@qazerito:matrix.org |  | qazer | User(0) |
@raboof:matrix.org |  | raboof | User(0) |
@raitobezarius:matrix.org |  | raitobezarius | User(0) |
@raphi:tapesoftware.net |  | raphi | User(0) |
@rbutani:matrix.org |  | rbutani | User(0) |
@rdobre:matrix.org |  | rdobre | User(0) |
@realnyte:matrix.org |  | realnyte | User(0) |
@rhalff:matrix.org |  | rhalff | User(0) |
@mon:tchncs.de |  | ribosomerocker | User(0) |
@rick.special:matrix.org |  | rick.special | User(0) |
@rocketm:matrix.org |  | rocketm | User(0) |
@ronef:matrix.org |  | ronef | User(0) |
@rossturk:matrix.org |  | rossturk | User(0) |
@ryantm:matrix.org |  | ryantm | User(0) |
@samrose:matrix.org |  | samrose | User(0) |
@sarcasticadmin:matrix.org |  | sarcasticadmin | User(0) |
@saulosag:matrix.org |  | saulosag | User(0) |
@senorsmile:matrix.org |  | senorsmile | User(0) |
@shadaj:matrix.org |  | shadaj | User(0) |
@shivranj:matrix.org |  | shivranj | User(0) |
@silentlurker:matrix.org |  | silentlurker | User(0) |
@skorpy:entropia.de |  | skorpy 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@sleroq:sleroq.link |  | sleroq | User(0) |
@slurmloard:matrix.org |  | slurmloard | User(0) |
@sophie:sophiecat.pw |  | sophie | User(0) |
@spacesbot:nixos.dev |  | spacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels | User(0) |
@sparkss:matrix.org |  | sparks | User(0) |
@spumoni1201:matrix.org |  | spumoni1201 | User(0) |
@ssimono:matrix.org |  | ssimono | User(0) |
@gyn:matrix.org |  | svl | User(0) |
@symphonic-logic:matrix.org |  | symphonic-logic | User(0) |
@noob_tea:matrix.org |  | tea | User(0) |
@terraca:matrix.org |  | terraca | User(0) |
@tewi:queer.cat |  | tewi 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@the_null:matrix.org |  | the_null | User(0) |
@thetootler:matrix.org |  | thetootler | User(0) |
@thoth101010:matrix.org |  | thoth | User(0) |
@thubrecht:matrix.org |  | thubrecht | User(0) |
@tim126:matrix.org |  | tim126 | User(0) |
@tomberek:matrix.org |  | tomberek | User(0) |
@tomog:matrix.org |  | tomf | User(0) |
@ttamttam:matrix.org |  | ttamttam | User(0) |
@twitchy0:matrix.org |  | twitchy0 | User(0) |
@usommerl_:matrix.org |  | usommerl | User(0) |
@uxodb:matrix.org |  | uxodb | User(0) |
@vandycarlos:matrix.org |  | vandycarlos | User(0) |
@vcunat:matrix.org |  | vcunat | User(0) |
@verygoodtry:matrix.org |  | verygoodtry | User(0) |
@vincenttc:matrix.org |  | vincenttc | User(0) |
@void68:matrix.org |  | void | User(0) |
@wesfun:opensuse.org |  | wesfun | User(0) |
@will4:matrix.org |  | will | User(0) |
@winston:milli.ng |  | winston | User(0) |
@xiphoris:matrix.org |  | xiphoris | User(0) |
@yorickvp:matrix.org |  | yorickvp | User(0) |
@yorik.sar:matrix.org |  | yorik.sar | User(0) |
@yuri:peori.space |  | yuri | User(0) |
@zerox:guix.uz |  | zerox | User(0) |
@zmalik:matrix.org |  | zmalik | User(0) |
@zoechi:matrix.org |  | zoechi | User(0) |
@aciceri:nixos.dev |  | zrsk | User(0) |
@svenclik:matrix.org |  | Štěpán Venclík | User(0) |