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6 Jul 2024
In reply to @adham-omran:matrix.org
Reaper is not expensive for a DAW, well worth the investment in my opinion
In your experience, what makes a DAW better than another one? I'm so new to this I don't have a minimal criteria to compare them
In reply to @adham-omran:matrix.org
How does the Zrythm documentation and tutorial landscape compare to REAPER and Ardour?
it's not too bad, the official manual is pretty good but in general i've found zrythm to be a lot more intuitive than ardour if you've used other daws
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
In your experience, what makes a DAW better than another one? I'm so new to this I don't have a minimal criteria to compare them
really it all comes down to what gets you to your desired result the quickest
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogethere's no "best" daw for everyone so just ignore the holy daw wars that producers love08:59:52
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraI guess that in my case having an intuitive interface will help to reach my goal09:00:39
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
In your experience, what makes a DAW better than another one? I'm so new to this I don't have a minimal criteria to compare them

Documentation and tutorials are a massive comparison point for a new-comer, being older leads them to being more mature and having a more robust community.

Every DAW is different, for what you spoke about as a use case, REAPER will get you what you want the quickest, nothing beats double clicking to add a track, load a plugin, arm the track with your midi controller and have at it

My advice is to start with REAPER, check its extensive tutorials over at reaper.fm, and if after a week you want to check something else, hop and try to redo your workflow and see which you like best

@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogetry out a bunch of daws and see which workflow works for you best, just don't turn it into a religion09:01:58
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogereaper is often considered a good beginner's daw but it has a great scripting engine with a big community09:03:55
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge(plus you can use all of its features for free if you don't mind waiting 5 seconds to close the dialog box)09:04:32
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraCool!, I have some thing to try and learn!. Thank you guys for your help!09:05:48
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraI'm going to try Reaper, Ardour and zrythm09:06:29
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogehave fun then09:06:50
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogealso check out unfa's youtube channel, he has a lot of great tutorials for ardour and linux audio in general09:07:20
@adham-omran:matrix.org@adham-omran:matrix.org Have fun, as bandithedoge , experiment and try them all, I recommend for a week each to give it a fair chance and enjoy your time! 09:08:35
@adham-omran:matrix.org@adham-omran:matrix.org * Have fun, as bandithedoge recommended, experiment and try them all, I recommend for a week each to give it a fair chance and enjoy your time! 09:08:44
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraThank you!!09:09:03
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
also check out unfa's youtube channel, he has a lot of great tutorials for ardour and linux audio in general
Lot's of interesting video titles... This is going to be a rabbit hole
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaif you just want to open pianoteq as a plugin you could also use carla09:11:00
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinano need for a DAW to just play09:11:13
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
Lot's of interesting video titles... This is going to be a rabbit hole
just like nix... you'll learn to love it though
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
if you just want to open pianoteq as a plugin you could also use carla
Didn't know that. Thanks for the hint!
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
if you just want to open pianoteq as a plugin you could also use carla
not sure about pianoteq but many plugins also have standalone versions
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraPianoteq has a standalone application, but it doesn't run under NixOS09:12:32
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinayeah but the lv2 was suggested to make it easier09:12:39
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarrathat I why I was looking for to install the Pianoteq Nixos package09:12:48
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarra * that is why I was looking for to install the Pianoteq Nixos package09:13:12
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
Pianoteq has a standalone application, but it doesn't run under NixOS
dynamically linked executables compiled by someone else won't "just work" on nixos
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraThat I learnt the ward way :D09:14:16
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogetake a look at https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Packaging/Binaries09:14:49
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogei recommend https://github.com/thiagokokada/nix-alien if you just want to quickly run something09:15:29

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