
NixOS Audio

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30 May 2024
In reply to @xxxcrow:matrix.org
Hellooo 👋
Was anyone able to properly use Behringer umc(202/204/404)hd?
they're class compliant so they should work out of the box
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge i have an umc22 and it just works with my pipewire setup 15:34:10
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge * i have a umc22 and it just works with my pipewire setup 15:34:17
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
i have a umc22 and it just works with my pipewire setup

I'm almost a complete zero in pipewireplumbing

In windows similar cards have several inputs and outputs, do you have an input and an output for every port?

@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogeif you open any patchbay like helvum they'll show up15:38:44
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogeyou can use jack patchbays too if you have pipewire with jack compatibility15:39:15
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogecheck out https://nixos.wiki/wiki/PipeWire and don't be afraid to ask if you have any problems15:41:44
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
if you open any patchbay like helvum they'll show up
Mine shows stereo 🙁
@tammi:greyseal.euTammi (ey/em) left the room.15:42:07
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogewhat interface are you using?15:42:16
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogesetting the pro audio profile for your device should help with that15:46:06
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogeyou can do it with pwvucontrol or in your nixos configuration15:46:55
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
what interface are you using?
I have several right now before I make one of them work 🥲
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1n* I have several right now before I make one of them work 🥲 (I will keep the one that will work)16:37:49
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1nFor years I had a similar board, and it has the same issue, I'm starting to feel there's something wrong with the way I'm doing wirepipeplumbing16:38:55
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
setting the pro audio profile for your device should help with that
So.. I tried that, and.. It seems like I have some other issues with my sound, I'm not sure but maybe stereo on my laptop is not working 🫠 (both speakers and headphones)
In reply to @xxxcrow:matrix.org
For years I had a similar board, and it has the same issue, I'm starting to feel there's something wrong with the way I'm doing wirepipeplumbing
can you share your configuration?
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
can you share your configuration?

the sound part looks like that:

  sound.enable = true;
  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;
  security.rtkit.enable = true;
  services.pipewire = {
    enable = true;
    alsa.enable = true;
    alsa.support32Bit = true;
    pulse.enable = true;
    # If you want to use JACK applications, uncomment this
    jack.enable = true;
    #wireplumber.enable = true;
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1ni will continue trying tomorrow, but it really feels like maybe i connect something wrong or connect the nodes not the right way17:14:12
8 Jun 2024
In reply to @xxxcrow:matrix.org

the sound part looks like that:

  sound.enable = true;
  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;
  security.rtkit.enable = true;
  services.pipewire = {
    enable = true;
    alsa.enable = true;
    alsa.support32Bit = true;
    pulse.enable = true;
    # If you want to use JACK applications, uncomment this
    jack.enable = true;
    #wireplumber.enable = true;
why do you have pulseaudio disabled? pulse.enable already replaces it
9 Jun 2024
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
why do you have pulseaudio disabled? pulse.enable already replaces it
if a desktop environment enables pulse with mkDefault, you have to explicitly disable it with pipewire (even regardless of whether pulse.enable is enabled or not)
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster* if a desktop environment enables pulse with mkDefault, you have to explicitly disable it to use pipewire (even regardless of whether pulse.enable is enabled or not)17:10:35
10 Jun 2024
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogeoh right, i forgot about that22:56:09
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogewouldn't it be wise for the pipewire module to disable pulseaudio or at least throw a warning?22:56:50
22 Jun 2024
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs left the room.19:33:27
25 Jun 2024
@axiomss:matrix.org@axiomss:matrix.org joined the room.22:03:07
26 Jun 2024
@y:staying.off.contact@y:staying.off.contact joined the room.08:49:30
27 Jun 2024
@y:staying.off.contact@y:staying.off.contact left the room.17:39:14
28 Jun 2024
@axiomss:matrix.org@axiomss:matrix.org left the room.04:15:25

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