
NixOS Audio

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19 Apr 2024
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyidk its a zenbook, and it's pretty dented in one place21:03:49
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyi got vocaster studio one with a mic, I hoped I can bypass that and use the vocaster but its not recognized I think21:04:22
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogemaybe it's just a solder joint that got loose, idk21:04:29
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyoh I see, thats interesting, I'll could check that (when I find the time)21:05:04
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoythank again for the help, much appreciated21:05:42
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyill try to figure out how to connect vocaster with obs21:06:08
20 Apr 2024
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyI found this, https://github.com/geoffreybennett/scarlett-gen2/releases/tag/v6.8-v1.005:24:34
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoydoes this mean I have to build a kernel module for nixos with this?05:24:53
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy this is a replacement/update to the existing snd-usb-audio module 05:26:58
In reply to @stablejoy:matrix.org
does this mean I have to build a kernel module for nixos with this?
it seems I have to package this driver in a nix derivation.
@austreelis:the-apothecary.clubAustreelis joined the room.09:18:07
In reply to @stablejoy:matrix.org
does this mean I have to build a kernel module for nixos with this?
yes, package it in a derivation and add it to boot.extraModulePackages
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
yes, package it in a derivation and add it to boot.extraModulePackages
Great! Should I also do a PR to add it to nixpkgs?
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge of course 12:10:55
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
of course
Aw sweet, will do that then, that would be my first. Thanks
22 Apr 2024
@nbathum:matrix.orgnbathum joined the room.17:30:01
23 Apr 2024
In reply to @stablejoy:matrix.org
Great! Should I also do a PR to add it to nixpkgs?
I started here, Im very slow though https://nixval.dev/packaging-a-kernel-module-for-nixos
@tanja-6584:matrix.orgTanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) changed their display name from Tanja (Old) to Tanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud).12:30:58
@quasineutral:matrix.orgquasineutral joined the room.12:34:08
24 Apr 2024
@kayla.fire:matrix.orgkayla (she/they) joined the room.00:22:02
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy changed their profile picture.08:59:08
@qe7ftcyrpg:matrix.orgFlorian joined the room.17:46:43
25 Apr 2024
@zraexy:nixos.devDavid Mell (zraexy) joined the room.23:36:27
@zraexy:nixos.devDavid Mell (zraexy) changed their display name from David Mell to David Mell (zraexy).23:52:08
26 Apr 2024
@saberking321:matrix.orgSaber King joined the room.12:36:26
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy changed their profile picture.14:03:50
@thomaslepoix:matrix.orgthomaslepoix joined the room.14:07:43
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad to Qyriad (she/they).23:47:44
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad (she/they) to Qyriad.23:47:57
27 Apr 2024
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad to Qyriad .00:01:06

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