
NixOS Audio

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19 Apr 2024
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinatry manually adding those paths in that reaper text field?10:51:10
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatoslet me try10:51:25
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosI have no directories /home/e14/.nix-profile/lib/vst3 /run/current-system/sw/lib/vst3 /etc/profiles/per-user/e14/lib/vst3 only /home/e14/.vst310:56:33
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@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosI have done test on helm , added path to reaper /run/current-system/sw/lib/lv2/ 10:57:20
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosand seems there10:57:26
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosbut no luck with any vst or vst310:57:32
[rampoina@nixos:~]$ echo $VST3_PATH 
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathat's my path11:02:28

I do have this one

[rampoina@nixos:~]$ ls /etc/profiles/per-user/rampoina/lib/vst3/
CardinalFX.vst3/    Dexed.vst3/         ZaMaximX2.vst3/     ZamDelay.vst3/      ZamGate.vst3/       ZamGrains.vst3/     ZamTube.vst3/       ZamVerb.vst3/
CardinalSynth.vst3/ Surge.vst3/         ZamComp.vst3/       ZamDynamicEQ.vst3/  ZamGateX2.vst3/     ZamHeadX2.vst3/     ZaMultiComp.vst3/   
Cardinal.vst3/      ZamAutoSat.vst3/    ZamCompX2.vst3/     ZamEQ2.vst3/        ZamGEQ31.vst3/      ZamPhono.vst3/      ZaMultiCompX2.vst3/ 
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@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaon the other hand I don't have the one inside home11:03:53
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@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosnothing 11:04:29
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosUgritone plugin is just a copy and paste to home/vst3 folder11:04:46
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosI'm not sure I can just create folder in /home/e14/.nix-profile/lib11:05:16
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatoslet me try to just install surge-XT from packages, this seems to be vst3 plugin11:06:43
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@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosit's there now11:12:59
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosadded /run/current-system/sw/lib/vst3/11:13:18
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosto reaper11:13:23
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatoscan I just copy ugritone files to above folder?11:13:55
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosAnything I install from packages works fine but absolutely no luck with any native copy and paste vsts that are siting in /home/e14/.vst312:03:38
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy My obs-studio recording/stream sounds pretty bad, crackling and noise. I have the default setup with pipewire. I got vocaster studio one thinking I can get the problem out of the laptop. My laptop has other hardware issues (it was stepped on) and audio suffered as well but I tried on windows earlier and the audio works fine. 12:34:12
@tanja-6584:matrix.orgTanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) changed their display name from Tanja to Tanja (Old).14:19:35
@fgaz:matrix.orgfgaz joined the room.14:46:22
In reply to @stablejoy:matrix.org
My obs-studio recording/stream sounds pretty bad, crackling and noise. I have the default setup with pipewire. I got vocaster studio one thinking I can get the problem out of the laptop. My laptop has other hardware issues (it was stepped on) and audio suffered as well but I tried on windows earlier and the audio works fine.
what kind of "crackling and noise"? can you provide an example?
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge maybe check your sample rate and buffer size options 16:28:05
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.organtimimonpneumatosArdour gives me this 17:16:24
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