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6 Jul 2024
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
The lv2 plugin is also a dynamically linked library...
yeah, most of them are
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
The lv2 plugin is also a dynamically linked library...
I meant get the lv2 plugin from their website
@adham-omran:matrix.org@adham-omran:matrix.orgnot from Nix09:17:44
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraThis is the lv2 from Pianoteq's package09:18:00
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
This is the lv2 from Pianoteq's package
So, just the Pianoteq 8 STAGE.lv2 directory with the .so plugin?
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarra❯ ls -l Permissions Size User Date Modified Name drwxr-xr-x - rodrigo 25 abr 10:52 extra/ .rwxr-xr-x 44M rodrigo 25 abr 10:52 'Pianoteq 8 STAGE'* drwxr-xr-x - rodrigo 25 abr 10:52 'Pianoteq 8 STAGE.lv2'/ lrwxrwxrwx - rodrigo 26 may 12:07 'Pianoteq 8 STAGE.so' -> 'Pianoteq 8 STAGE.lv2'/Pianoteq_8_STAGE.so*09:18:53
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraI downloaded Pianoteq for Linux from their website09:19:12
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarrathat package contains the lv2 and the executable09:19:22
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogeyou can directly patch the .so to use nix paths, see "manual method" in the wiki article i linked09:20:36
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
I downloaded Pianoteq for Linux from their website
Are you attempting to load it in reaper?
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
you can directly patch the .so to use nix paths, see "manual method" in the wiki article i linked
I'll have a look at that
In reply to @adham-omran:matrix.org
Are you attempting to load it in reaper?
Not yet, I was having a look at the lv2. Do you think reaper will provide the missing lilbraries?
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
Not yet, I was having a look at the lv2. Do you think reaper will provide the missing lilbraries?
probably not
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
Not yet, I was having a look at the lv2. Do you think reaper will provide the missing lilbraries?
I don't, but it's worth a shot for the loading as I don't load it directly but it works for me
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org

I'm kind of new to NixOS. I'm trying to use NixOS to run a few programs that I use to play piano. One of them is Pianoteq. I've seen there is a Pianoteq package (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/nixos-24.05/pkgs/applications/audio/pianoteq) but I cannot install it adding it to systemPackages, homemanager or nix-shell.

Am I missing something? How can I install Pianoteq's package in Nixos?

I'm not sure if this is the right channel to ask, if not please accept my apologies.
OK I've taken a look at the package. You have to specify the version you want.
For the trial try
I've just tried it in a shell and it works
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathe other versions require you to set the environment variables for the modart user and password09:42:47
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarrawow!!! cool09:42:57
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
the other versions require you to set the environment variables for the modart user and password
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraIt works for me too!! thank you!!09:44:30
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina take a look here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/c0d0be00d4ecc4b51d2d6948e37466194c1e6c51/pkgs/applications/audio/pianoteq/default.nix#L224 to know the name of the other versions 09:44:40
In reply to @rfvizarra:matrix.org
It works for me too!! thank you!!
sure no problem, for some reason the package doesn't appear in search.nixos.org which is weird
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraI think I also have to learn nix to be able to understand how to make things work when the obvious path doesn't work09:46:02
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinapianoteq is great, I wish we had a FOSS version (even if it was just one piano without many parameters)09:47:01
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraAlso, I'm going to explore the DAW way to get advantage of other things like mixing09:47:05
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraIt sounds great. In the latest version they included a pack for a Bösendorfer 09:48:32
@rfvizarra:matrix.orgrfvizarraI'll probably get it in the next sale09:48:44
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI'm not sure how you would specify the variables to add it as a system package, I'd have to research that09:52:12
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI don't have any pianoteq licenses though so I can't try it :P09:52:27
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinamaybe just setting them as global environment variables09:53:44
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 09:53:45

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