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5 Sep 2024
In reply to @k1gen:matrix.org
build fails on include_bytes! being called on a .gitignored file, any way to fix this without git adding the file?
how can I fix this without the path:/// workaround?
@k900:0upti.meK900Add the file to git11:54:36
@k1gen:matrix.orgolk this will probably be the most painless solution, yeah. Alyssa Ross can you give any tips on how to make crane use cached mingwW64 openssl from hydra instead of building it myself? 11:56:27
@k900:0upti.meK900OpenSSL the C library, not the Rust crate11:56:48
@k900:0upti.meK900The Rust crate is not precompiled11:56:52
@k1gen:matrix.orgolksorry, my brain is a bit fried after all those hours trying to make this compile11:58:34
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs left the room.13:59:01
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily Alyssa Ross: did you just grep for Rust packages that depend on Perl? :) 14:01:40
@qyliss:fairydust.spaceAlyssa Rossyep14:01:49
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs joined the room.14:25:29
@djacu:matrix.orgdjacu joined the room.19:33:44
6 Sep 2024
@tdjordan:matrix.orgThom Jordan joined the room.18:18:57
@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktabootdo we typically want to avoid vendored/static openssl in rust packages ?19:43:56
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyyes to the point where we're considering adding the env variable to disable that in the setup hook19:44:49
@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktabootis that mostly for security/vulnerability management reasons ?19:46:55
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyalso software provenance / bill of materials reasons19:48:37
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyand for any other patches or build things we do that make OpenSSL work how we want it to work19:48:47
@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktabootokay thanks!19:52:16
7 Sep 2024
@ralith:ralith.comRalithsaves build time, too01:08:10
@k1gen:matrix.orgolk can anyone show me a multi-target flake that uses crane+fenix? I have a working linux->windows cross-compilation flake, but now that I want to add a devShell and a native linux target for nix build to it, I am having problems 08:57:56
@k1gen:matrix.orgolk this isn't really portable... 08:58:57
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs 13:28:53
@k1gen:matrix.orgolkanyone here uses crane for multiple targets?14:20:40
8 Sep 2024
In reply to @k1gen:matrix.org
can anyone show me a multi-target flake that uses crane+fenix? I have a working linux->windows cross-compilation flake, but now that I want to add a devShell and a native linux target for nix build to it, I am having problems
this is pretty involved, idk if it'll help: https://gitlab.computer.surgery/matrix/grapevine-fork/-/blob/main/flake.nix?ref_type=heads
7 Sep 2024
@k1gen:matrix.orgolk * anyone here uses crane for multiple targets? this is the mess I currently have 14:44:41
8 Sep 2024
@k1gen:matrix.orgolkI have compilation issues, again: https://paste.rs/fkyH5.txt I have replaced openssl by rustcrypto, and now this flake fails: https://paste.rs/hLpLu.txt what did I miss?11:01:34
@k900:0upti.meK900That's an ICE11:03:13
@k900:0upti.meK900Are you using Rust nightly?11:03:17

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