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10 Aug 2024
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyok, I will check if it is that simple :)14:32:04
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI'm used to habitually skipping over CI changes when checking PRs for Nixpkgs, bad habit.14:32:35
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily …but then why do tests pass on aarch64-linux??? 14:33:48
  doCheck = !stdenv.isAarch64 && !stdenv.isDarwin;
@qyliss:fairydust.spaceAlyssa Rossohhh14:56:21
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI'm working on testing it now14:58:10
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI suspect we might be able to run the checks now14:58:15
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily(on those platforms)14:58:21
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilybtw, PSA for anyone interested: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/33370214:58:29
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily Alyssa Ross: you said that the individual crates would have to be essentially source packages because of Cargo's demands, but is that really true? I don't know how much compilation time it'd actually save us, but we could compile libraries as rlibs, couldn't we? hell, I think we could even get away with dylib – ABI compatibility doesn't matter to us given the whole Nix thing 19:40:11
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI think there is at least one other distro that dynamically links Rust crates (Fedora?)19:41:24
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI guess there is the potential issue of packages that support multiple major SemVer versions getting locked to different things at dependency resolution time 🤔19:43:17
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilythough I think that would apply to your scheme in general19:43:24
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily and can probably be avoided with Cargo.lock generation 19:43:38
@purepani:matrix.orgpurepani Wouldn't dynamically linking potentially lose out on some compiler optimizations? Doubt it's super important, but I maybe good to keep in mind 19:45:38
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy EckenrodeWouldn’t that only matter for LTO, which crates have to opt into using? I know there’s a startup penalty for dynamic linking, but is there any other penalties? Darwin is PIE, so there’s no avoiding that by using static archives.20:06:33
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy Eckenrode * Wouldn’t that only matter for LTO, which crates have to opt into using? I know there’s a startup penalty for dynamic linking, but is there any other penalties? Darwin is PIE, so there’s no avoiding the overhead of that by using static archives.20:07:00
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy Eckenrode * Wouldn’t that only matter for LTO, which crates have to opt into using? I know there’s a startup penalty for dynamic linking, but are there any other penalties? Darwin is PIE, so there’s no avoiding the overhead of that by using static archives.20:07:20
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy Eckenrode * Wouldn’t that only matter for LTO, which crates have to opt into using? I know there’s a startup penalty for dynamic linking, but are there any other penalties? Darwin is PIE, so there’s no avoiding the overhead of position-independence/ASLR by using static archives.20:07:33
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy Eckenrode * Wouldn’t that only matter for LTO, which crates have to opt into using? I know there’s a startup penalty for dynamic linking, but are there any other penalties? Darwin is PIE, so there’s no avoiding the overhead of position-independence by using static archives.20:07:37
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily cross-crate inlining only happens with explicit #[inline] annotations and I believe that the source for those goes into the rlib files(? not sure) 20:08:21
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily(also not sure if it applies to dynamic linking)20:08:25
In reply to @reckenrode:matrix.org
Wouldn’t that only matter for LTO, which crates have to opt into using? I know there’s a startup penalty for dynamic linking, but are there any other penalties? Darwin is PIE, so there’s no avoiding the overhead of position-independence by using static archives.
AIUI there's an indirection penalty on every function call by default because of bad Linux platform decisions I believe, but like, it applies to everything we build in Nixpkgs, and we could fix that without switching away from dynamic linking if we wanted
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI suspect most hot spots probably don't involve tight loops around calls that cross crates but aren't inlined20:10:04
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyif you remember how generics in Rust work20:10:11
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilynone of that stuff is going to be a dynamically loaded function call20:10:18
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyit'll be expanded right into the resulting executable20:10:31
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy Eckenrode
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
AIUI there's an indirection penalty on every function call by default because of bad Linux platform decisions I believe, but like, it applies to everything we build in Nixpkgs, and we could fix that without switching away from dynamic linking if we wanted
I don’t know about Linux, but a static archive can be relinked into a dylib on Darwin. I do it in the MoltenVK derivation. Darwin is PIE, so wouldn’t you pay that penalty regardless? PIE can’t even be disabled on aarch64-darwin, and if you try to be sneaky with assembly, the linker will fail with an error if it finds instructions using absolute addressing.

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