
NixOS Matrix Discussion

289 Members
Discuss your proposals for the Matrix space here, before suggesting them in #matrix-suggestions:nixos.org98 Servers

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2 Jul 2024
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@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyapparently this is the new space https://matrix.to/#/!brXHJeAtqliwNGqHQx:lossy.network?via=lossy.network&via=matrix.org&via=nevarro.space23:08:03
@0x4a6f:matrix.org[0x4A6F] * Can you post the room id of that space?23:08:13
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans
In reply to @2xsaiko:tchncs.de
I invited you to the new space, so you'll see it on your computer tomorrow
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily the link is https://matrix.to/#/!brXHJeAtqliwNGqHQx:lossy.network?via=lossy.network&via=matrix.org&via=nevarro.space – is it actually published as #space:nixos.org? 23:08:45
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaoh god, it shows my homeserver as the internal roomid 🀑23:08:46
@hexa:lossy.networkhexait is #space:nixos.org 23:08:53
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyit's not23:09:07
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily#space:nixos.org is the old one23:09:10
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilycf. clicking that link shows me >7k members rather than the 9 in the new one23:09:22
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evansupgrading moves the aliases23:09:22
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
!mjolnir resolve #space:nixos.org
Room ID for #space:nixos.org is !brXHJeAtqliwNGqHQx:lossy.network
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyor at least, if it is, then there's some fun caching going on :/23:09:33
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI guess it's the intersection of both cache invalidation and naming things23:09:49
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans I can't access devtools because Element removed the sidebar option, and I can't post in the room, so I can't send /devtools πŸ™ƒ 23:10:01
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
is sending out thousands of mass invites even going to… work?
if done slowly, and respecting the rate limits, yes. Might honestly be worth asking EMS to do it since they can ignore the rate limits
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evansimage.png
Download image.png
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans0/10 element UX lol23:11:28
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilymaybe you can pop the devtools through the inspector console23:12:13
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner EvansI assume there's some way to do that, but I wish that the button in settings was still there πŸ˜₯23:12:48
@hexa:lossy.networkhexadevtools need to be toggled now, if only I remembered how23:16:09
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans I have them enabled. I asked in #element-web:matrix.org 23:16:40
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@emilazy:matrix.orgemily Sumner Evans: does that work? 23:17:58
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evansah, that one does work!23:18:55
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily"Everyone is free to invite others to join this space: https://matrix.to/#/#community:nixos.org"23:19:18
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI assume that alias is wrong now?23:19:24
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evanslet me look at the state real quick... it may still be correct23:19:40
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyoh, I guess that alias also points there23:19:57
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans
In reply to @sumner:nevarro.space
!mjolnir resolve #community:nixos.org
Room ID for #community:nixos.org is !brXHJeAtqliwNGqHQx:lossy.network

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