
Nix / NIxOS (replaced)

6019 Members
This room was the the Nix/NixOS help channel. It was been replaced by a new rom at #users:nixos.org.854 Servers

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26 Aug 2024
@da:esclear.de@da:esclear.de left the room.17:56:48
27 Aug 2024
@poorguy:pleasemakemeri.ch@poorguy:pleasemakemeri.ch left the room.02:09:08
@danio:pvv.ntnu.no@danio:pvv.ntnu.no left the room.03:48:39
28 Aug 2024
@erictapen:chat.ccc-p.orgKerstin (she/her) changed their display name from kerstin to Kerstin (she/her).13:20:19
27 Aug 2024
@fabdb:mokasin.de@fabdb:mokasin.de left the room.10:13:59
2 Sep 2024
@xvwx:matrix.dapp.org.uk@xvwx:matrix.dapp.org.uk left the room.10:47:55
27 Aug 2024
@mpickering:matrix.orgMatthew Pickering changed their profile picture.10:47:35
4 Sep 2024
@mayniklas:matrix.lounge.rocksmayniklas left the room.07:46:17
27 Aug 2024
@iyada:matrix.org@iyada:matrix.org joined the room.10:51:18
@iyada:matrix.org@iyada:matrix.org left the room.11:02:32
@dyst:matrix.org@dyst:matrix.org left the room.11:25:46
@keldu:keldu.de@keldu:keldu.de left the room.12:36:10
@peelz:matrix.org@peelz:matrix.org left the room.14:56:47
@orange.hors:matrix.org@orange.hors:matrix.org left the room.15:58:09
@aspendowntime:matrix.orgCelequeen (it/its) left the room.17:39:31
@thecas:matrix.org@thecas:matrix.org left the room.18:16:57
@viric:matrix.org@viric:matrix.org joined the room.18:24:46
@ecksdeelol:matrix.orgecksdeelol joined the room.19:02:35
@viric:matrix.org@viric:matrix.org left the room.19:17:23
@tmeusburger:matrix.org@tmeusburger:matrix.org left the room.19:47:11
28 Aug 2024
@armeen:matrix.org@armeen:matrix.org left the room.03:19:09
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th] changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}.09:04:07
@albttx:matrix.orgalbttx set a profile picture.09:45:15
@implicit_operative:matrix.org@implicit_operative:matrix.org joined the room.15:53:01
@implicit_operative:matrix.org@implicit_operative:matrix.org left the room.15:53:43
29 Aug 2024
@dazabani:igalia.comdelan changed their display name from delan to delan (back 30 aug).04:51:06
@florens:matrix.org@florens:matrix.org joined the room.12:10:43
@florens:matrix.org@florens:matrix.org left the room.12:11:07
@bluelinden:frei.chatbluelinden left the room.14:14:21
@nienormalnie:matrix.org@nienormalnie:matrix.org joined the room.15:52:07

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