
NixOS Reproducible Builds

461 Members
Report: https://reproducible.nixos.org Project progress: https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/3096 Servers

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15 Jul 2024
@lostattractor:mozilla.orgChaosAttractor joined the room.18:59:14
16 Jul 2024
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.12:20:56
17 Jul 2024
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl changed their display name from ironbound to Professor Bin Dong.18:22:01
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl removed their profile picture.18:22:04
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl set a profile picture.18:23:52
18 Jul 2024
@sofo:matrix.org@sofo:matrix.org removed their display name Sofie.16:37:34
@sofo:matrix.org@sofo:matrix.org set their display name to Sofie (AWAY).16:37:43
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl changed their display name from Professor Bin Dong to Professor.22:49:06
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl changed their display name from Professor to P_Big.22:49:47
20 Jul 2024
@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org left the room.17:51:29
22 Jul 2024
@nam3l33ss:matrix.org@nam3l33ss:matrix.org changed their profile picture.14:26:27
@charutocafe:matrix.orgcharutonot to sound like i am complaining, i am not, but why hasn't this website been updated since 2022? https://r13y.com20:23:52
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofbecause the person in control of the domain didn't 🤷 - you probably want https://reproducible.nixos.org/20:24:43
@charutocafe:matrix.orgcharutoyeah i know of the two websites20:25:46
@charutocafe:matrix.orgcharutoare they managed by different entities?20:26:00
@raboof:matrix.orgraboof that's also not super recent, but there you can PR your own updates if you want :) . And if you're even more adventurous you could participate in https://github.com/JulienMalka/lila (the longer-term goal is to generate the reports for https://reproducible.nixos.org/ from that) 20:26:02
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofyeah https://r13y.com is graham's private thing, https://reproducible.nixos.org is https://github.com/NixOS/reproducible.nixos.org20:26:57
@drupol:matrix.orgPolWow marked as ready since 2 years! https://github.com/grahamc/r13y.com/pull/3620:31:18
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofyeah I ended up forking it at https://codeberg.org/raboof/nix-reproducible-builds-report/ for the short term (until switching to lila)20:32:49
@drupol:matrix.orgPolI would have closed the issue since then. 20:33:03
@drupol:matrix.orgPolHe's too busy realizing the future with flake :D20:33:19
@drupol:matrix.orgPol=> https://xcancel.com/grhmc20:33:28
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofyeah, no hard feelings, everyone needs to focus on what gives them energy at that point 20:35:10
@drupol:matrix.orgPolyeah... 20:39:08
23 Jul 2024
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.orgEzzobir Bezziou joined the room.08:22:56
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:14:56
28 Jul 2024
@niklashh:matrix.orgNiklas Halonen joined the room.21:02:25
29 Jul 2024
@imincik:matrix.org@imincik:matrix.org left the room.10:01:45
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl removed their display name P_Big.14:47:12
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl removed their profile picture.14:47:25

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