
NixOS Reproducible Builds

486 Members
Report: https://reproducible.nixos.org Project progress: https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/30108 Servers

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30 Mar 2024
@ivank:matrix.orgivan joined the room.04:15:20
2 Apr 2024
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs changed their profile picture.06:57:12
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs changed their profile picture.07:35:25
3 Apr 2024
@drupol:matrix.orgPolSaw this on the mailing list: https://github.com/kpcyrd/backseat-signed And I was wondering if it would be useful in nix... But don't get me wrong, we are already doing that in a way, right ? Or d misunderstood something?04:22:54
@drupol:matrix.orgPol Typst > 0.11.0 will use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ! https://github.com/typst/typst/issues/3806 11:11:05
In reply to @drupol:matrix.org
Saw this on the mailing list: https://github.com/kpcyrd/backseat-signed
And I was wondering if it would be useful in nix... But don't get me wrong, we are already doing that in a way, right ? Or d misunderstood something?
I suppose Hydra does that automatically yes
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusIf I understand well what they're trying to do11:56:52
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusThe most interesting thing in our context is the verification of the binary reproducibility as part of the build process itself11:57:08
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius(or the source equivalence, which is harder)11:57:14
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusBinary repro would have no caught the xz situation in our case11:57:22
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius * Binary repro would have not caught the xz situation in our case11:57:26
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusGood source equivalence would have11:57:54
4 Apr 2024
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad joined the room.23:25:01
5 Apr 2024
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she) joined the room.12:58:18
6 Apr 2024
@fomosapien:matrix.org@fomosapien:matrix.org joined the room.18:39:03
8 Apr 2024
@a-n-n-a-l-e-e:matrix.org@a-n-n-a-l-e-e:matrix.org left the room.23:10:59
10 Apr 2024
@olafkfreund:matrix.org@olafkfreund:matrix.org left the room.08:30:57
@fomosapien:matrix.org@fomosapien:matrix.org changed their display name from Human to Triskelion.11:16:44
@brian:bmcgee.ieBMG joined the room.15:31:41
@skamdart:matrix.orgSkamDart joined the room.18:01:35
11 Apr 2024
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc joined the room.18:11:38
12 Apr 2024
@atemu12:matrix.orgatemu12Has anyone experimented with Facebook's hermit yet?10:20:14
@atemu12:matrix.orgatemu12AFAIUI, it'd be too slow to use for regular builds but could be useful for dealing with smaller sections of pesky non-determinism10:20:59
@atemu12:matrix.orgatemu12Its chaos mode could also be used for r13y reporting10:21:11
13 Apr 2024
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofworkaround for issue in iso-minimal: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/30381811:31:08
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofsneak preview: https://arnout.engelen.eu/minimal-iso-runtime.html11:59:45
@drupol:matrix.orgPolnice !15:43:26
@rick:matrix.ciphernetics.nlRick (Mindavi)What's the difference between a green and a red cross?17:30:38
@raboof:matrix.orgraboofIt may still change, but for now IIRC green cross is 'only one build found (so might be fine but unconfirmed)' while red cross is 'non-matching builds found'17:44:08

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