
NixOS Reproducible Builds

487 Members
Report: https://reproducible.nixos.org Project progress: https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/30109 Servers

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18 Mar 2024
@darkwater4213:matrix.org@darkwater4213:matrix.org joined the room.00:31:57
19 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.00:30:08
@arcayr:rascals.net@arcayr:rascals.net joined the room.12:46:23
@admin:nixos.org@admin:nixos.org joined the room.15:55:05
@admin:nixos.org@admin:nixos.org set the room name to "NixOS Reproducible Builds".15:55:22
@admin:nixos.org@admin:nixos.org left the room.15:55:28
20 Mar 2024
@accelbread:matrix.orgaccelbread joined the room.04:15:47
@accelbread:matrix.orgaccelbread left the room.04:16:51
@accelbread:matrix.orgaccelbread joined the room.04:17:03
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs changed their profile picture.11:04:52
@withoutwithin:matrix.orgXe (xe/they) changed their profile picture.19:01:30
21 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.18:03:02
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org left the room.20:09:47
22 Mar 2024
@t3rminal-filth:matrix.orgterminalfilth joined the room.05:13:57
@t3rminal-filth:matrix.orgterminalfilth set a profile picture.05:24:35
@t3rminal-filth:matrix.orgterminalfilth changed their profile picture.05:24:46
@alan:alnn.xyzalan left the room.19:35:57
@haraldhoyer:matrix.orgharaldh changed their display name from Harald Hoyer to haraldh.23:21:19
23 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org joined the room.00:37:43
26 Mar 2024
@cblacktech:matrix.orgcblacktech joined the room.02:02:52
@willbush:matrix.org@willbush:matrix.org left the room.22:48:27
27 Mar 2024
@me:linj.techlinj joined the room.08:47:35
@msanft:matrix.orgMoritz Sanft If anyone here has some spare time, could you take a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/286969? I can reproducibly build image.repart with that, but the fix is quite dirty. I'm unfamiliar with unshare and fakeroot, and on first glance I couldn't find a reason for why the env wouldn't be included if using that. 09:52:40
29 Mar 2024
@amarshall:matrix.orgamarshall joined the room.23:15:49
30 Mar 2024
@jeezlemmechooseaname:matrix.orgjeezlemmechooseaname joined the room.02:36:15

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