
NixOS ACME / LetsEncrypt

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Another day, another cert renewal43 Servers

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13 Jun 2023
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI don't want to significantly penalize the common case of just a few domains for that though, or stretch it out to "without manual intervention migrating your NixOS box will result in your sites being offline for the next day"20:11:54
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyfundamentally if you want your sites running with TLS you have to spend a certain amount of compute, memory and network to get there20:12:15
@m1cr0man:m1cr0man.comm1cr0manyep, I'm in full agreement with all of that. I might explore the chained services option to see how it performs and if there's a way to work around the activation delay, with the thought that this solution would be an optional (default off) feature of the module20:14:49
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyFWIW, relevant LE rate limits: "The main limit is Certificates per Registered Domain (50 per week)." "You can create a maximum of 300 New Orders per account per 3 hours." "You can have a maximum of 300 Pending Authorizations on your account."20:17:11
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyfor #1, probably people with tons of certs mostly have them on different domains20:17:31
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily#2 means that someone with >300 domains would currently run into rate limits with our existing setup20:17:52
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily#3 could theoretically happen if the system chugs enough that the ACME client starts issuing a bunch of certs but doesn't run to completion before more spawn up20:18:17
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyof course people with these many certs should probably apply for an exemption anyway, but I think it's good to note the magnitude/timeframe of the upstream limits20:18:43

okay yeah, so these are pretty lenient for most people I think I was only concerned about the concurrent one that the ticket opener mentioned:

the “new-nonce”, “new-account”, “new-order”, and “revoke-cert” endpoints on the API have an Overall Requests limit of 20 per second.

Right now this one is very easy to do

@m1cr0man:m1cr0man.comm1cr0man *

okay yeah, so these are pretty lenient for most people. I think I was only concerned about the concurrent one that the ticket opener mentioned:

the “new-nonce”, “new-account”, “new-order”, and “revoke-cert” endpoints on the API have an Overall Requests limit of 20 per second.

Right now this one is very easy to do

@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyah I missed that one. never skim read!20:20:30
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyso yeah my inclination is that it would be good to have something default that ensures we're not issuing certificates at a rate that would surpass that. but preferably not full serialization since that's quite a lot further than that20:21:15

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