
NixOS ACME / LetsEncrypt

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Another day, another cert renewal43 Servers

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13 Jun 2023
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
despite all the headaches lego has caused I would like to spend a moment of thanks for the fact that we did not move to anything shell-based: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4659
Oh wow.. that's spooky. At least if we were using that our systemd services for renewal are hardened like steel
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyonly so much hardening you can do when the process has access to private keys :(20:03:36
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily(ideally you have privilege separation so that the process that talks to the ACME server doesn't have access to the keys but I don't think even lego does that)20:05:44
In reply to @m1cr0man:m1cr0man.com
Hello again :) Busy few weeks... looking into https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/232505 again. I just had a notion - could we chain all the certs together with an After= condition? We would still need to avoid auto-starting the services for each cert (otherwise config switch would take a REALLY long time) but that might be easy to solve with a target.
honestly I don't know if there's a one-size-fits-all solution to this. we can randomize renewal time because it fundamentally doesn't matter when renewal happens as long as it's sufficiently far in advance. some users will want their sites accessible as soon as possible after setting up a new box or activating a new configuration; some will be worried about load and rate limits. i don't see how we can satisfy both out of the box
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily the "This will cause the timer to start; and after 1 second start all the services with a randomised delay." idea sounds nice enough - but then we're talking about, your sites have broken SSL for up to an entire day? 20:07:23
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI'm curious how Caddy/certmagic handles this since it has pretty sophisticated logic for cert issue timing20:08:08
@m1cr0man:m1cr0man.comm1cr0man Could you let me know what you find from that? But to your point about one size fits all, it seems like we will need to introduce an option for users to decide what they want. We can default to the current situation, but provide an option like renewOnActivate for other situations? 20:09:44
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily I'm tempted to say that people can just poke at the systemd.* options themselves if they really want rate limiting, but I'm biased :p 20:10:27
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI would consider it acceptable to do something out of the box if we found a solution that leads to large numbers of certs being activated in minutes rather than hours/days though20:10:48
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyif you have dozens/hundreds of certs then you're probably expecting initial setup to take about that long20:11:28
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI don't want to significantly penalize the common case of just a few domains for that though, or stretch it out to "without manual intervention migrating your NixOS box will result in your sites being offline for the next day"20:11:54

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