
NixOS ACME / LetsEncrypt

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Another day, another cert renewal43 Servers

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19 Oct 2024
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب) * restarted the pc, and it's still, the same error.16:22:28
@k900:0upti.meK900Then check your Nginx config and see what certificates it's configured to use 16:23:19
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)the service failed, after I restarted my pc?!16:24:05
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)I am using impermanence, my I need to persist some files?16:24:55
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)not it's still failing after I restarted the service.16:26:12
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)
Oct 19 17:24:08 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1535]: Waiting to acquire lock /run/acme/1.lock
Oct 19 17:24:08 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1535]: Acquired lock /run/acme/1.lock
Oct 19 17:24:10 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:10 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org, nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate
Oct 19 17:24:11 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:11 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] AuthURL: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/418406013657
Oct 19 17:24:11 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:11 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Could not find solver for: tls-alpn-01
Oct 19 17:24:11 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:11 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Could not find solver for: http-01
Oct 19 17:24:11 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:11 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: use dns-01 solver
Oct 19 17:24:11 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:11 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Preparing to solve DNS-01
Oct 19 17:24:17 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:17 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Trying to solve DNS-01
Oct 19 17:24:22 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:22 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Checking DNS record propagation. [nameservers=]
Oct 19 17:24:24 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:24 [INFO] Wait for propagation [timeout: 1m0s, interval: 2s]
Oct 19 17:24:49 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:24:49 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
Oct 19 17:25:08 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:25:08 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
Oct 19 17:25:21 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:25:21 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
Oct 19 17:25:33 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:25:33 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.
Oct 19 17:25:35 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:25:35 [INFO] [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] acme: Cleaning DNS-01 challenge
Oct 19 17:25:40 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:25:40 [INFO] Deactivating auth: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/418406013657
Oct 19 17:25:40 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: 2024/10/19 17:25:40 Could not obtain certificates:
Oct 19 17:25:40 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]:         error: one or more domains had a problem:
Oct 19 17:25:40 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1538]: [nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org] propagation: time limit exceeded: last error: DNS call error: dial udp: lookup ns4.duckdns.org.: i/o timeout [ns=ns4.duckdns.org.:53, question='_acme-challenge.nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org. IN  TXT']
Oct 19 17:25:41 MacBook-Pro-8-1 acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org-start[1535]: Failed to fetch certificates. This may mean your DNS records are set up incorrectly. Selfsigned certs are in place and dependant services will still start.
Oct 19 17:25:41 MacBook-Pro-8-1 systemd[1]: acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=10/n/a
░░ Subject: Unit process exited
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ An ExecStart= process belonging to unit acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service has exited.
░░ The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 10.
Oct 19 17:25:41 MacBook-Pro-8-1 systemd[1]: acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
░░ Subject: Unit failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ The unit acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
Oct 19 17:25:41 MacBook-Pro-8-1 systemd[1]: Failed to start Renew ACME certificate for nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service has failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ A start job for unit acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service has finished with a failure.
░░ The job identifier is 1221 and the job result is failed.
Oct 19 17:25:41 MacBook-Pro-8-1 systemd[1]: acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service: Consumed 592ms CPU time, 19M memory peak, 22.1K incoming IP traffic, 9.4K outgoing IP traffic.
░░ Subject: Resources consumed by unit runtime
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ The unit acme-nextcloud-rayanlab.duckdns.org.service completed and consumed the indicated resources.

@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)these ☝️ are the logs16:26:53
@k900:0upti.meK900Well you need to persist /var/lib/acme at least 16:27:45
@k900:0upti.meK900And I guess you need to figure out why it's failing to reach the network 16:28:02
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)it work, thank you so much :)17:11:40
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب) * it works, thank you so much :)17:11:48
@nakibrayan:matrix.imRayan Nakib (ريان نقيب)NixOS is amazing17:12:08
23 Oct 2024
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧quick reminder about https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/34013616:00:04
26 May 2021
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org set the history visibility to "world_readable".20:36:34
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org changed the room name to "" from "".20:36:34
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) joined the room.20:36:42
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org invited @m1cr0man:m1cr0man.comm1cr0man.20:36:47
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgchanged room power levels.20:36:52
@m1cr0man:m1cr0man.comm1cr0man joined the room.20:37:09
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellion joined the room.20:38:19
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily joined the room.20:43:31
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa joined the room.20:44:30
@m1cr0man:m1cr0man.comm1cr0man set the room topic to "Another day, another cert renewal".20:46:02
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.20:51:53
@sumner:sumnerevans.comsumner joined the room.21:00:03
@andi:kack.itandi- joined the room.21:03:46
@immae:matrix.orgimmae joined the room.21:13:02
@hax404:hax404.dehax404 joined the room.22:17:28
@l3af:matrix.orgl3af joined the room.22:39:21
28 May 2021
@pinage404:matrix.orgpinage404 joined the room.11:07:44

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