
Stage 1 systemd

79 Members
systemd in NixOs's stage 1, replacing the current bash tooling https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/projects/5127 Servers

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11 Jun 2023
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoright I thought you were talking about persisting that token in the TPM instead somehow06:54:58
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccobecause I'm guessing that token is generated locally and then certified by the SSO?06:55:42
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoIf it's generated locally you can do that part on the TPM and leave it there06:55:52
@k900:0upti.meK900I don't know if it is06:55:59
@k900:0upti.meK900But I don't think so?06:56:01
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccosecrets should always be generated locally06:56:26
13 Jun 2023
@k900:0upti.meK900 changed their display name from K900 to K900 (Old).20:51:50
@k900:0upti.meK900 invited @k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated).21:09:07
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated) joined the room.21:11:29
14 Jun 2023
@raphi:tapesoftware.net@raphi:tapesoftware.net changed their display name from raphi (element unread channel fix when) to raphi.07:03:17
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianoidc is realy meany for third-party auth though12:32:46
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianTailscale recently also added Webauthn support for first-party log in12:32:56
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianand converting a TPM attestation to a Webauthn sig is actually defined in the CTAP/Webauthn spec12:33:08
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianBut if you wanna go the OIDC route. if you're on Google Cloud they now have an attestation service that allows you to exchange TPM quotes for OIDC tokens signed by accounts.google.com,12:34:02
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianthey'll check the EKCert and see if the hardware is signed by google and then give you an oidc token back12:34:31
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianand check if machine is in correct state12:34:42
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian(Of course each google cloud instance already comes with an OIDC token from the metadata service too)12:35:22
15 Jun 2023
In reply to @elvishjerricco:matrix.org
Lily Foster: And yea, there's probably a bunch of plymouth stuff to do...
As promised, here's your Plymouth overhaul PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/237908 (the quit-wait thing for rescue shells still needs work as it caused more problems than it fixed somehow in my testing -- could just be something with my VM though idk)
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated)Oh no13:47:39
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated)brb breaking my bootchain13:47:46
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco K900: ? 13:48:12
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccooh, for new plymouth?13:48:24
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated)Yep13:48:27
@lily:lily.flowers@lily:lily.flowersGodspeed 🫡13:48:29
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoyea I'll definitely be testing that on my desktop13:48:41
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated)Oh hey it actually works14:07:26
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated)Mostly14:07:26
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated)The annoying part is the sd-stub boot messages14:07:33

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