
Stage 1 systemd

79 Members
systemd in NixOs's stage 1, replacing the current bash tooling https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/projects/5127 Servers

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5 Jun 2023
In reply to @elvishjerricco:matrix.org
oddlama: interesting. Can you open an issue and include your configuration?
Not sure how I can include my configuration easily. It's publicly available on github, but too complicated to copy out a single snipped, especially because I don't really know what causes this. I can make a commit and refer to that if it helps
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oddlama: Well maybe write a little test with the nixos test framework to reproduce the problem if that proves easy enough to do? If not don't worry about it and just describe the problem as best you can 19:14:28
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlamaAlright, I wrote a test for this :D20:38:56
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oddlama: If I remove your check-flush service, and wait_for_unit on network.target instead of multi-user.target, the test passes 20:57:14
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oh but I see. The point is that I shouldn't need systemd-networkd to be running yet for the dont-flush case to have the network preconfigured by stage 1 20:59:00
6 Jun 2023
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oddlama: Ok, so I think the test you made is accidentally discovering a different bug. If you change check-flush.service to have wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"]; instead of requiredBy, then the test succeeds because it doesn't cause multi-user.target to fail, and systemd-networkd.service starts just fine. So the different bug is that the network configuration is getting taken down between stages 1 and two, causing check-flush.service to fail. But systemd-networkd.service is starting fine 00:39:02
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccooh, that might be because you didn't enable systemd initrd, or inherit the netdevs part from stage 2 :P00:46:55
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoHm. That didn't fix it00:51:08

systemd-networkd[88]: extra-1: netdev could not be created: Operation not supported

Oh, well yea that would explain a thing or two

@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco is a particular kernel module or something needed to create a Kind = "dummy" netdev? 02:53:05
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oddlama: Ok yea, so now I have the test passing, and it isn't because of the bug you were originally describing where systemd-networkd wouldn't come up 03:20:00
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco I had to 1) Actually enable systemd stage 1, 2) Inherit the netdevs, 3) Add dummy to boot.initrd.availableKernelModules. And now it passes 03:20:58
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlamaDamn, sorry. Seems like I failed to distill the actual issue here. On my real system where the issue happens, stage1 systemd is enabled, and there are no dummy netdevs needed. The interfaces that are missing are wireguard interfaces. And I specifically don't include them in the initrd. Yet, systemd-network is inactive after the switch10:52:02
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlama * ElvishJerricco: Damn, sorry. Seems like I failed to distill the actual issue here. On my real system where the issue happens, stage1 systemd is enabled, and there are no dummy netdevs needed. The interfaces that are missing are wireguard interfaces. And I specifically don't include them in the initrd. Yet, systemd-network is inactive after the switch 10:52:21
@nikstur:matrix.org@nikstur:matrix.orgDoes the systemd-initrd not work with the netboot installer? Could it be the same reason it does not work with the ISO?11:30:25
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco nikstur: doesn't the NetBoot stuff use its own custom initrd or something? 12:25:05
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oddlama: yea so the test you wrote isn't reflecting that problem unfortunately :/ 12:25:24
In reply to @elvishjerricco:matrix.org
nikstur: doesn't the NetBoot stuff use its own custom initrd or something?
It bascially only appends another cpio archive with the nix store as a squashfs. So it does use the "normal" initrd.
In reply to @elvishjerricco:matrix.org
oddlama: yea so the test you wrote isn't reflecting that problem unfortunately :/
The extra interfaces was the only idea I had for a cause. Do you by chance know any magic systemd stuff that allow me to log in more detail what is and isn't started? Then I can maybe just try to investigate on the actual system.
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlamaWhat's also interesting is that I have multiple machines that share a lot of configuration, and the issue only appears on one of them.13:36:22
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco oddlama: You can set the SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug environment variable on services that you want more logging from, and you can set systemd.log_level=debug to get more logging from PID 1 13:38:24
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco (rd.systemd.log_level=debug for stage 1 PID 1) 13:38:43
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlama I also don't understand why you suggested that wants = ["network-pre.target"]; would be a requirement. I naively would expect systemd-networkd to be started when I have some configuration for extra interfaces 13:38:56
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco network-pre.target isn't pulled in by systemd-networkd.service by default 13:39:17
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlamaLike would that imply that the network isn't started if there's no service depending on it?13:39:34
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco network-pre.target is just a target and doesn't actually do anything. On most systems, nothing comes with Before=network-pre.target, so it isn't useful to have. Things like systemd-networkd.service are still ordered After= it, but if nothing Wants= it, then it just won't be in the transaction 13:40:44
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco so if you have something with Before=network-pre.target but nothing with Wants=network-pre.target, then that Before= ordering does nothing 13:41:34

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