
Nix + Go

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10 Aug 2024
@creepinson:matrix.orgTheo Paris

I'm trying to package aws-lc in nixpkgs and I tested with nix build .#aws-lc and it works fine, but nix build .#pkgsStatic.aws-lc causes errors with go run. I am using buildGoModule, and I tried CGO_ENABLED=0 as well as ldflags = ["-extldflags=-static"] and it didn't fix it.

 > FAILED: crypto_test_data.cc /build/source/build/crypto_test_data.cc
       > cd /build/source && /nix/store/83ffvqm5g4ig8jmmgjicri31iyv27bwm-go-1.22.5/bin/go run util/embed_test_data.go -file-list /build/source/build/embed_test_data_args.txt > /build/source/build/crypto_test_data.cc
       > fork/exec /build/go-build1317377595/b001/exe/embed_test_data: no such file or directory
       > [95/558] Generating err_data.c
       > FAILED: crypto/err_data.c /build/source/build/crypto/err_data.c
       > cd /build/source/crypto/err && /nix/store/83ffvqm5g4ig8jmmgjicri31iyv27bwm-go-1.22.5/bin/go run err_data_generate.go > /build/source/build/crypto/err_data.c
       > fork/exec /build/go-build1857997573/b001/exe/err_data_generate: no such file or directory
@creepinson:matrix.orgTheo Paris *

I'm trying to package aws-lc in nixpkgs and I tested with nix build .#aws-lc and it works fine, but nix build .#pkgsStatic.aws-lc causes errors with go run. I am using buildGoModule, and I tried CGO_ENABLED=0 as well as ldflags = ["-extldflags=-static"] and it didn't fix it. Any ideas?

 > FAILED: crypto_test_data.cc /build/source/build/crypto_test_data.cc
       > cd /build/source && /nix/store/83ffvqm5g4ig8jmmgjicri31iyv27bwm-go-1.22.5/bin/go run util/embed_test_data.go -file-list /build/source/build/embed_test_data_args.txt > /build/source/build/crypto_test_data.cc
       > fork/exec /build/go-build1317377595/b001/exe/embed_test_data: no such file or directory
       > [95/558] Generating err_data.c
       > FAILED: crypto/err_data.c /build/source/build/crypto/err_data.c
       > cd /build/source/crypto/err && /nix/store/83ffvqm5g4ig8jmmgjicri31iyv27bwm-go-1.22.5/bin/go run err_data_generate.go > /build/source/build/crypto/err_data.c
       > fork/exec /build/go-build1857997573/b001/exe/err_data_generate: no such file or directory
@creepinson:matrix.orgTheo ParisHmm, the same issue happens with the existing boringssl package01:43:30
@atalii:matrix.org@atalii:matrix.org left the room.20:10:56
12 Aug 2024
@jgero:matrix.org@jgero:matrix.org left the room.06:13:38
14 Aug 2024
@fudgemaster:matrix.orgFrank Geusch changed their display name from Master Fudge to Frank Geusch.13:25:42
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.19:51:16
17 Aug 2024
@isabel:isabelroses.comisabel joined the room.12:43:24
@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan Lepage joined the room.20:52:53
@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan Lepage

Hi !
I'm trying to package FindMyDevice server, but it fails to build with:

go: downloading github.com/google/flatbuffers v23.5.26+incompatible
go: downloading github.com/objectbox/objectbox-go v1.7.0
go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1
go: downloading github.com/objectbox/objectbox-generator v0.13.0
go: findmydeviceserver/debug/crypto imports
        golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2: no required module provides package golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2; to add it:
        go get golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2

probably caused by this line

@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan LepageAny idea to get around this ?20:54:29
18 Aug 2024
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit I think you will need to set the subModules section to cmd/... 02:02:34
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitlooks like the docker file has the build steps02:02:56
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit sorry, subPackages 02:04:00
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit subPackages = [ "./cmd/fmdserver.go" ]; 02:04:27
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitshould do it02:04:31
@r3vx:matrix.orgr3vx joined the room.14:17:52
@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan Lepage Oh I see, thank you for your answer.
Actually, I discovered that someone else was already on it in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/326998
20 Aug 2024
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.netbenjaminedwardwebb changed their display name from benjaminedwardwebb to benwebb.12:44:16
21 Aug 2024
@ripi:matrix.orgripi joined the room.08:48:23
22 Aug 2024
@jaredbaur:matrix.orgJared Baur set a profile picture.02:07:20
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel joined the room.12:58:05
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel changed their profile picture.14:53:00
23 Aug 2024
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.netbenjaminedwardwebb left the room.18:56:52
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.23:34:59
24 Aug 2024
@samasaur:matrix.orgsamasaur joined the room.17:32:17
25 Aug 2024
@r_i_s:matrix.orgris_ joined the room.10:53:44
@r_i_s:matrix.orgris_i assume you lot have talked a bunch about getting better test coverage for golang packages10:54:58
@r_i_s:matrix.orgris_because so many packages despite having `doCheck = true` are only testing the contents of `subPackages`, which is frequently just the cli package (and frequently has 0 tests anyway)10:57:00
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen)Here is a solution, but it breaks ~300 packages: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/284568 Maybe we could add a toggle to enable the old behavior so we don't have to handle all the fallout at once?12:10:02

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