
Nix + Go

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29 Apr 2024
@anthr76:mozilla.organthr76I've had no problems with k8s_gateway. Anyone have any suggestions or see anything glaring wrong? 02:41:10
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she) could you try overrideAttrs-ing that with modBuildPhase = (old.modBuildPhase) + "go mod tidy && go mod vendor"? 02:54:22
@anthr76:mozilla.organthr76 Great idea. I’ll give it a go tomorrow more int 03:07:36
@anthr76:mozilla.organthr76 * Great idea. I’ll give it a go tomorrow morning 03:07:42
In reply to @diamondburned:matrix.org
could you try overrideAttrs-ing that with modBuildPhase = (old.modBuildPhase) + "go mod tidy && go mod vendor"?

I ended up seeing the same error :(

Which doesn't make much sense because I see the plugins are down before hand

In reply to @diamondburned:matrix.org
could you try overrideAttrs-ing that with modBuildPhase = (old.modBuildPhase) + "go mod tidy && go mod vendor"?

I ended up seeing the same error :(

Which doesn't make much sense because I see the plugins are down before hand https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/58a1abdbae3217ca6b702f03d3b35125d88a2994/pkgs/servers/dns/coredns/default.nix#L33

@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:28:52
@fudgemaster:matrix.orgFrank Geusch joined the room.17:16:43
@fudgemaster:matrix.orgFrank Geusch changed their display name from Frank Geusch to Master Fudge.17:28:05

I've opened a bug report here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/307750

I also tried taking a overlay approach in a more manual manner to understand what's breaking where but it seems like my modBuildPhase isn't detected

  modifications = final: prev: {
    coredns-snowflake = prev.coredns.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
        vendorHash = "";
        modBuildPhase = (oldAttrs.modBuildPhase) + ''
          echo blocklist:github.com/relekang/coredns-blocklist >> plugin.cfg
          echo tailscale:github.com/damomurf/coredns-tailscale >> plugin.cfg
          echo k8s_gateway:github.com/ori-edge/k8s_gateway >> plugin.cfg
          go mod tidy
          go mod vendor
          GOOS= GOARCH= go generate
          go mod tidy
          go mod vendor
1 May 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:06:38
2 May 2024
@hbjy:matrix.orgHayden joined the room.20:41:06
@c0ba1t:matrix.orgCobalt joined the room.21:07:39
4 May 2024
@hofsiedge:matrix.orgIlya Zuev joined the room.06:49:44
@claesatwork:matrix.orgClaes joined the room.20:56:31
7 May 2024
@cblacktech:matrix.orgcblacktech joined the room.06:50:12
8 May 2024
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtf left the room.22:24:36
9 May 2024
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧ joined the room.05:57:18
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧ I'm confused about gomuks... the package source includes olm in buildInputs, but it doesn't seem to have encryption support on my machine? Is it just me somehow? 06:01:38
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧ I built a vm to test it out, and I believe what happened is it built without encryption support on my machine because I didn't have gcc or any C compiler installed the first time I installed it. In the VM, I included just gccandgoin environment.systemPackages and it built with encryption support still fine. But even though I havegcc` installed on my real machine now, there's still no encryption support. 21:05:28
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧ * I built a vm to test it out, and I believe what happened is it built without encryption support on my machine because I didn't have gcc or any C compiler installed the first time I installed it. In the VM, I included just gccandgoin environment.systemPackages and it built with encryption support still fine. But even though I havegcc\ installed on my real machine now, there's still no encryption support. 21:05:37
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧ * I built a vm to test it out, and I believe what happened is it built without encryption support on my machine because I didn't have gcc or any C compiler installed the first time I installed it. In the VM, I included just gccandgoin environment.systemPackages and it built with encryption support still fine. But even though I havegcc installed on my real machine now, there's still no encryption support. 21:05:50
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧIDK, this doesn't seem quite right to me. Shouldn't the package check for a C compiler if it needs one, rather than just building a different version? How is stuff like this with CGo usually handled?21:07:45
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick add CGO_ENABLED = 1; to your buildGoModule attrset 21:12:54
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick cgo is disabled by default, and any source files that exclude cgo build tags won't be used 21:14:08
@jrick:zettaport.comjrickat least i think it is disabled by default. i set it for the cgo things i build21:19:20
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)if it's not already in the nixpkgs file and that does indeed fix the issue, then you should file a PR22:01:34
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)it might be a regression, iirc Go now disables Cgo by default unless it detects CC in the env22:01:51
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.2022:02:11
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)
The go command now disables cgo by default on systems without a C toolchain. More specifically, when the CGOENABLED environment variable is unset, the CC environment variable is unset, and the default C compiler (typically clang or gcc) is not found in the path, CGOENABLED defaults to 0. As always, you can override the default by setting CGO_ENABLED explicitly.

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