
Nix + Go

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25 Mar 2024
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit * so like: go build -o $out/bin/gnkgo github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@$(grep ginkgo go.mod | awk '{print $NF}') 19:09:36
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit or maybe switch it to go install 19:09:54
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitnot sure19:09:57
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit or cd vendor/...etc../ginkgo; go build -o ...... 19:10:22
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitin a subshell after you have vendor'd19:10:27
26 Mar 2024
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen)
In reply to @stv0ge:matrix.org
Okay also a instresting idea.. But that could still be a different version from whats acutally used by my code I assume.. I would need to check the go.sum file to be 100% certain
go.sum is not an exact lockfile. It can contain multiple versions of your dependencies where only one of them would be used by your code. To get the dependencies after minimal version selection (Go's dependency resolution algorithm) use go list -m all or go mod graph.
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen)https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/29909612:07:27
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitgo.work is one of those things I just can't understand..14:59:09
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitlike the difference between update and upgrade14:59:16
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)rn it has a Go package using workspace that has GOWORK=off in the Nix file because of this problem 22:11:19
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)that was long ago too 22:11:22
@jrick:zettaport.comjricki "get" go.work but i don't get why people are adding it to their repos on their main/master branches (might make sense on a development branch)22:21:09
@jrick:zettaport.comjrickespecially don't get it if they are making release tags containing it22:21:50
27 Mar 2024
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she) gotk4-examples has one just to keep all submodules in sync w/ the outer one 04:47:45
@diamondburned:matrix.orgDiamond (it/she)there's a github action to guarantee that04:47:49
28 Mar 2024
@verscheures:matrix.orgverscheures joined the room.10:23:21
29 Mar 2024
@sebtm:lodere.esSebTM joined the room.04:22:42
2 Apr 2024
@mkal:matrix.orgmkal joined the room.08:49:25
3 Apr 2024
@maka_77x:matrix.orgmaka_77x joined the room.14:10:25
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick i think tests are broken (possibly by proxyVendor) of any internal package, all the non-internal packages pass internal ones fail with fork/exec /build/go-build245361709/b286/primitives.test: no such file or directory (where primitives is the name of the package) 15:42:24
@jrick:zettaport.comjrickoh nvm, i see other internal packages are passing hmmmm15:43:02
@jrick:zettaport.comjricknot sure if the .test binary is missing, or something it is trying to spawn..15:47:02
@jrick:zettaport.comjrickhow can i observe what is happening inside of the test/build sandbox?16:00:32
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick hmm ok, got to same error in a nix develop shell, let's see.. 17:57:14
[jrick@elsa:~/nixos/tmp/source]$ go test -c ./internal/staging/primitives

[jrick@elsa:~/nixos/tmp/source]$ ldd ./primitives.test 
	statically linked

[jrick@elsa:~/nixos/tmp/source]$ ./primitives.test 
Could not start dynamically linked executable: ./primitives.test
NixOS cannot run dynamically linked executables intended for generic
linux environments out of the box. For more information, see:
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick qbit: halp :D 18:00:23
@jrick:zettaport.comjrickah it's a pie executable, hmmm18:01:34
@jrick:zettaport.comjricki think all the other passing tests link to net, and are using the external linker, let me confirm18:03:14

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