
Nix + Go

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Go packaging for and with Nixpkgs. | Be excellent to each other.41 Servers

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22 Mar 2024
@mrene:matrix.orgmrene joined the room.00:44:32
@bumperboat:matrix.org@bumperboat:matrix.org changed their display name from bumperboat to bumperboat (UTC+8 when).13:27:55
@bumperboat:matrix.org@bumperboat:matrix.org changed their display name from bumperboat (UTC+8 when) to bumperboat (UTC+8).15:01:26
23 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org joined the room.00:37:08
@jgero:matrix.org@jgero:matrix.org joined the room.12:04:00
24 Mar 2024
@hoskellisiera:matrix.orghoskellisiera joined the room.01:48:44
@hoskellisiera:matrix.orghoskellisiera changed their profile picture.19:48:50
25 Mar 2024
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0g joined the room.18:15:27
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gHi all, I am trying to install Ginkgo into my devShell with the version locked in go.sum. In non-Nix environments, I achieve this by simply running 'nix install github.com/path/to/package'. But for nix I am a bit stuck..18:17:16
@curid:matrix.orgCuridStop testing Go like javascript18:25:40
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit stv0g: hi! I assume you mean "go install" vs "nix install" ? :D 18:51:38
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gOh yeah, sorry18:51:49

This is my current attempt:

            pkgs.runCommand "ginkgo" {
              nativeBuildInputs = [
            } ''
              export HOME=$(pwd)
              export GO111MODULE=off
              export GOPATH=$out
              mkdir -p $GOPATH

              ln -s ${packages.go-babel.goModules} $out/src

              go install -v -n -a github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo

              # mkdir -p $out/bin
              # ls -l /build/bin/
              # mv /build/bin/ginkgo $out/bin
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitso you have ginkgo in nixpkgs18:52:30
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit no need to go install it 18:52:35
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gThe issue is that the version in nixpkgs might not match the version in my go.mod18:52:55
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gSame is true for other Go tools like protoc-gen-go18:53:19
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitseems you would have the same problem with that approach 18:54:06
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gI've tried to reuse the vendor'ed modules by buildGoModule and then run "go install" with pkgs.runCommand18:54:30
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbiti guess it will bump the go.mod file?18:54:30
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gI guess by using the vendored modules, I am actually ignoring the go.mod already because its only used to build the goModules derivation18:55:21
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit mmm, you might be able to use the FOD modules stuff via GOCACHE 18:55:42
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitnothing's gonna be ideal (at least that I can think of)18:56:09
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitmaybe vendor your deps, then just build the code locally?18:59:18
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitthat'd probably be the cleanest 18:59:24

I think I got it working with:

            pkgs.runCommand "ginkgo" {
              nativeBuildInputs = [
            } ''
              export HOME=$(pwd)
              export GO111MODULE=off
              export GOPATH=/build

              ln -s ${packages.go-babel.goModules} src

              go build -o $out/bin/ginkgo github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbiti'd make it grep the ginkgo version from go.mod and explicitly build the version 19:00:57
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitjust to be sure19:01:00
@stv0ge:matrix.orgstv0gOkay also a instresting idea.. But that could still be a different version from whats acutally used by my code I assume.. I would need to check the go.sum file to be 100% certain19:07:04
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit so like: go build -o $out/bin/gnkgo github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@$(grep ginkgo go.mod | awk '{print $NF}' 19:09:32

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