
Nix + Go

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Go packaging for and with Nixpkgs. | Be excellent to each other.41 Servers

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7 Mar 2024
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.club * it says there is an invalid token in that line 🤨02:37:41
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitsorry - double quotes :P02:37:46
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.cluboh duh, ty02:38:05
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit supPackages = [ "cmd/museum" ]; 02:38:08
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.club'sup, packages?02:38:25
@fractivore:cyberia.clubSYMYƧhuh, I didn't realize that mattered, I guess I never tried apostrophes!02:38:26
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.cluboh shit it built02:39:00
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.clubyay! it complains about not being configured upon being run but i think that means i can move on02:39:49
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.clubthanks qbit, i think yours was the right answer :D02:41:22
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitwoo, np!02:41:53
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit reese (they/them): let me know if you are able to point the ente app at the server you get running :D 02:44:00
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbiti didn't see an obvious way to do it (didn't look super hard though)02:44:12
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.clubyeah i was confused about that too. i wonder if they just... forgot to add it (or are working on it already?)02:46:06
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.clubi've pushed my progress to https://github.com/reeseovine/ente-nix feel free to follow or contribute if you'd like. i'd like to get this mereged eventually.03:57:21
8 Mar 2024
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit invited @jrick:zettaport.comjrick.00:00:14
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick joined the room.00:00:21
9 Mar 2024
@curid:matrix.orgCurid joined the room.17:55:27
@curid:matrix.orgCuridwhat's the recommended way to get a nix shell with a specific go version?17:57:27
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen)
In reply to @curid:matrix.org
what's the recommended way to get a nix shell with a specific go version?
Specific like supported minor version? Or like arbitrary patch/ancient release?
@curid:matrix.orgCuridSpecific minor version18:05:20
@curid:matrix.orgCurid * Specific recent minor version18:06:04
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen)For supported minor release, there is `go_1_22`, `go_1_21` (and `go_1_20`, but that's EOL).18:06:09
@curid:matrix.orgCuridlol bottom of page https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=23.11&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=go18:06:56
11 Mar 2024
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit Curid: if you need an exacting specific version you could use my gover tool to build out a specific version and fiddle with PATH to use it 14:33:47
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit suah.dev/gover 14:34:19
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen)https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29507721:03:33
@katexochen:matrix.orgPaul Meyer (katexochen) * https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/295077 | go_1_20: remove; unpin depending packages, fix or mark broken21:04:05
14 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org left the room.02:04:26

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