
NixOS Home Automation 🏠

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3 Aug 2022
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]If your problem is the current breakage on unstable, I patched that locally yesterday in my config18:25:06
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe install check has become very short since we reengineered the test phase18:25:51
@hexa:lossy.networkhexalike a minute or two on reasonable hardware18:26:00
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]ok the docs should be updated then18:26:03
@hexa:lossy.networkhexawas 25m+ before 🙂18:26:05
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]hmm, does matrix have a way to upload code blocks instead of just inline code spans?18:26:16
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe question j-k asks is about when home-assistant breaks on nixos-unstable18:26:27
@hexa:lossy.networkhexajust use triple backticks18:26:37
@hexa:lossy.networkhexait supports markdown18:26:40
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]
  # Fix HASS breakage
  nixpkgs.overlays = [
    (self: super: {
      # Note: Trying to override this on python310 produces infinite recursion.
      # So we'll just override it on HASS itself.
      home-assistant = assert super.home-assistant.python.pkgs.typer.meta.broken; super.home-assistant.override (old: {
        packageOverrides = lib.composeExtensions old.packageOverrides or (_: _: { }) (py-self: py-super: {
          # marked as broken for ZHF, dunno why
          typer = py-super.typer.overrideAttrs (old: {
            meta = old.meta // { broken = false; };
          # pydantic 1.9.1 has a breaking bug, HASS pins 1.9.0. Revert PR locally:
          # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2192d927ae5047cc12fea21191cad704ce28585c
          pydantic = assert py-super.pydantic.version == "1.9.1"; py-super.pydantic.overridePythonAttrs (old: {
            version = "1.9.0";
            src = self.fetchFromGitHub {
              owner = "samuelcolvin";
              repo = old.pname;
              rev = "v1.9.0";
              sha256 = "sha256-C4WP8tiMRFmkDkQRrvP3yOSM2zN8pHJmX9cdANIckpM=";
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]ah hah, Element has no affordance to tell me that this works, thanks18:27:00
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa I overrode pydantic for home-assistant in 2022.7.718:27:20
@hexa:lossy.networkhexait's on master since a few hours18:27:26
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]oh nice18:27:35
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * I overrode pydantic for home-assistant in 2022.7.718:27:35
@hexa:lossy.networkhexatook me a while but unbroke most everything18:27:49
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]typer is needed for pyunifiprotect, I don't know why it's marked as broken18:27:56
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her](it was marked as such as part of ZHF, but there's no build failure for it so I don't know what happened)18:28:26

treewide: pkgs/development/python-modules: mark broken for aarch64-linux

@hexa:lossy.networkhexayeah, odd18:28:43
@hexa:lossy.networkhexatesting and fixing in a second18:28:47
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]Since I'm contemplating moving over to an OCI container for hass on NixOS (this is probably better than dealing with a VM like I was thinking before), it looks like the instructions for that just uses the current stable tag for the docker image. If I do this, can it update itself (or alternatively, will restarting the service check for updates to the stable tag) or does this approach require some sort of manual intervention to tell podman to check for updates?18:32:03
@j-k:matrix.orgj-kit wont update itself & it will keep using the cached copy. you can use something like watchtower that can check for new images and cull containers but IDK if it's podman friendly you can manually update the image with a digest, or you can write a script that grabs the digest and puts it in some JSON for you to read into your config. or what I want to do is that + use dockerTools.pullImage & build up tag + digest + nix sha and feed it to oci-containers with imageFile rather than a tag and label.18:35:17
@j-k:matrix.orgj-knot sure about cleaning up dead images either. there might be something you can configure already. otherwise I'd make a systemd-timers job to prune or something 🤷18:35:54
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]This sounds like a lot of work 😅 if hass could just have a button that's like "hey there's a new version, click here and I'll somehow cause podman to pull the new image and then restart" that would be great but I'm guessing there's not really any way for it to do that. I suppose I could build a custom sensor + button using something like Node-RED that can run the necessary commands, but I don't really want to18:39:56
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]I did think about trying to just pull the version from the home-assistant package and see if I can synthesize the appropriate docker tag out of that, but since hass will presumably fetch all its python dependencies from inside the container that means I'm not really getting reproducibility that way, so I'm not sure if it's worth trying to pin the version when rollbacks aren't true rolbacks18:40:45
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her](also I'm guessing hass probably doesn't support rollbacks without restoring storage from backup either)18:41:10
@esperlily:matrix.orgEsperLily [she/her]Maybe I should just try running it in a container for now and check back in a few weeks to see if there are any updates and what the process is for getting them, since I have very limited experience dealing with containers so far18:42:03

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