
NixOS Home Automation

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3 Oct 2024
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithHeyo! I've run into an issue and couldn't get it to work for the last couple hours, maybe someone here has an idea where to look? I'm configuring (declarative NixOS-native, as far as I can) an Anthropic voice assistant, and got it working to the point I can chat with it, but it only has access to the HassTurnOn and HassTurnOff intents, nothing else. All I get when trying to look for the issue is guides how to create custom intents, but all I'm really interested in is other built-ins like HassGetWeather or even just HassGetState, and I'm running out of ideas at this point. Any ideas? Thanks! ^-^ 20:52:08
@hexa:lossy.networkhexatry the ollama integration instead?23:48:29
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilith I will eventually, but the server I run home assistant on at the moment isn't powerful enough to run local LLMs, and using another server would require me to configure secure networking first, and I want to take it one step at a time. 23:57:42
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithAlthough I might just do that, at this point it might be easier23:58:11
4 Oct 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaoh, I forgot that antrophic is a cloud offering00:04:10
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithno problem! do you know if the ollama integration has a way to do token authentication? 00:05:12
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI don't believe so00:08:54
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithah, oh well. guess I'll set up that wireguard tunnel that I've been procrastinating 🫠00:09:59
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithokay, I did some quick and dirty testing, and the issue persists with Ollama also. Is there perhaps some configuration that I've overlooked to enable built-in Intents beyond HassTurnOn and HassTurnOff?00:31:20
Download image.png
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithStrange, I must be doing something wrong00:32:57
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithwould you mind sharing your config? there must be something stupid I'm missing00:33:18
Download image.png
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe model is llama3.2:3b-instruct-q8_0 00:34:55
@hexa:lossy.networkhexagenerally the llama 3.x models work pretty well00:35:06
@hexa:lossy.networkhexait is still a bit dumb sometimes00:36:09
@hexa:lossy.networkhexabut works much better with freeform requests00:36:24
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithI'm using llama3.1 8B, but I don't think the model is the issue00:46:25
Download image.png
@lilith:matrix.firelilith.orglilithI'm giving up for today and going to sleep, thanks for trying to help ^-^00:47:28
{"type":"function","function":{"name":"HassTurnOn","name":"HassTurnOn"}}; {"type":"function","function":{"name":"HassTurnOff","name":"HassTurnOff"}}; {"type":"function","function":{"name":"HassVacuumStart","name":"HassVacuumStart"}}; {"type":"function","function":{"name":"HassVacuumReturnToBase","name":"HassVacuumReturnToBase"}}
@hexa:lossy.networkhexais the response to that for me09:30:52
@hexa:lossy.networkhexawhich is also incomplete, given that I showed you09:30:58
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaand when listing them it also calls them09:33:59
@test-user:c.imperishable.namerendakuenthusiast⚡️ left the room.09:51:23
5 Oct 2024
@julius:mtx.liftm.deˈt͡sɛːzaɐ̯ joined the room.04:12:26
@crtified:crtified.meCRTified Short sanity check. I'm running a config with lovelaceConfig = null;. Can I still use customLovelaceModules in a sane way (i.e., without manually configuring every resource) 17:16:27
@crtified:crtified.meCRTified * I'm running a config with lovelaceConfig = null;. Can I still use customLovelaceModules in a sane way (i.e., without manually configuring every resource) 17:16:35
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧you should17:47:37

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