
NixOS Home Automation

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22 Aug 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexanix``` services.home-assistant.config = { # opinionated default_config bluetooth = {}; config = {}; dhcp = {}; logbook = {}; history = {}; media_source = {}; mobile_app = {}; person = {}; scene = {}; system_health = {}; ssdp = {}; sun = {}; script = {}; tag = {}; timer = {}; zeroconf = {};19:00:33
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa *
  services.home-assistant.config = {
    # opinionated default\_config
    bluetooth = {};
    config = {};
    dhcp = {};
    logbook = {};
    history = {};
    media\_source = {};
    mobile\_app = {};
    person = {};
    scene = {};
    system\_health = {};
    ssdp = {};
    sun = {};
    script = {};
    tag = {};
    timer = {};
    zeroconf = {};
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa *
  services.home-assistant.config = {
    # opinionated default\_config
    bluetooth = {};
    config = {};
    dhcp = {};
    logbook = {};
    history = {};
    media_source = {};
    mobile_app = {};
    person = {};
    scene = {};
    system_health = {};
    ssdp = {};
    sun = {};
    script = {};
    tag = {};
    timer = {};
    zeroconf = {};
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI just don't like having the cloud dep 😛 19:01:03
@rcambrj:matrix.orgrcambrjah, I want that one :D I don't want history/logbook19:01:19
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaat least that is the one I remember19:01:25
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahuh, ok19:01:31
23 Aug 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexalooks like we need to slow down with updating music-assistant, because the custom component might be dictating the supported version 🤔02:39:43
@mjm:midna.devmjmi haven't actually gotten around to setting it up in HA yet05:01:11
@mjm:midna.devmjmjust been using it on its own05:01:16
@stjohitz:matrix.fbi.h-da.deJohannes Hitzinger set a profile picture.10:05:22
@dueyfinster:matrix.orgdueyfinster joined the room.11:21:36
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.net@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.net left the room.18:58:48
25 Aug 2024
@mall0c:matrix.org@mall0c:matrix.org left the room.17:41:09
@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org joined the room.19:47:59
@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org@superflyjohnson1:matrix.orgHow would I enable rclone mounts as a rclone home service? I've been experimenting with rclone and nixos and can't get the mounts working outside of services.19:50:28
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa #sysops:nixos.org maybe? 19:52:44
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
#sysops:nixos.org maybe?
I've been working with home-manager but I was trying to use systemd-mounts. I don't know if they could be particularly more helpful
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathis room is about home automation, not home manager19:55:28
@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org@superflyjohnson1:matrix.orgoh, sorry :)19:55:45
@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org left the room.19:55:50
26 Aug 2024
@coelacanthus:mozilla.orgCoelacanthus joined the room.10:41:18
@mjm:midna.devmjmmusic-assistant got drunk some time in the last few days and now all the songs just don't have track numbers and are in whatever order it likes20:41:06
@mjm:midna.devmjmi think i'm gonna have to delete its library for like...the third time now20:41:19
29 Aug 2024
@feathecutie:tchncs.de@feathecutie:tchncs.de left the room.12:40:42
@musicmatze:beyermatthi.asmusicmatze I am thinking about packaging the ha-floorplan extension for HA, but I am not sure whether it is just another custom component or whether I need to do something special with it, because it is not just a python module as it seems (repo: https://github.com/ExperienceLovelace/ha-floorplan) 18:22:04
@musicmatze:beyermatthi.asmusicmatzeCan someone tell me whether packaging it as normal custom component "just works"?18:22:25
@hexa:lossy.networkhexapackage.json indicates it is a card, I think18:23:35

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