
NixOS Home Automation

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9 Aug 2024
@muhlinux:matrix.orgmuhlinux joined the room.12:47:38
@mfed3:matrix.orgmfed3Hey hexa I saw your change to the wiki the other day, so if I just include isal in my extraComponents declarative it will just speed up some operations? Do I need to do anything else? 18:03:31
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathat's all18:06:03
@mfed3:matrix.orgmfed3Sweet, good deal man18:06:19
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI suspect if your machine is fast you won't notice a difference anyway, but it might be cheaper?18:06:55
@rick:matrix.ciphernetics.nlMindaviI think I understood it was related to websockets compression so likely it'll help a bunch there18:06:56
@rick:matrix.ciphernetics.nlMindaviBut not completely sure about it18:07:03

zlib is a bottleneck for aiohttp, especially for WebSocket connections.

@mfed3:matrix.orgmfed3Rebuilt fine in 2 seconds...all good18:07:40
[nix-shell:/tmp/python-isal/benchmark_scripts]# python benchmark.py --functions
zlib compression
name	isal	zlib	ratio
0b	1.62	1.64	0.99
8b	1.9	1.83	1.04
128b	2.96	3.55	0.83
1kb	5.23	9.49	0.55
8kb	18.31	49.75	0.37
16kb	32.83	135.72	0.24
32kb	61.92	295.53	0.21
64kb	124.69	621.94	0.2
zlib decompression
name	isal	zlib	ratio
0b	0.56	0.19	2.91
8b	0.6	0.24	2.47
128b	1.53	1.27	1.21
1kb	3.06	3.26	0.94
8kb	11.14	14.23	0.78
16kb	19.79	26.02	0.76
32kb	36.05	81.77	0.44
64kb	77.51	180.41	0.43
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaand gzip18:45:45
[nix-shell:/tmp/python-isal/benchmark_scripts]# python benchmark.py --gzip
gzip compression
name	isal	zlib	ratio
0b	2.15	2.34	0.92
8b	2.45	2.54	0.97
128b	3.56	4.38	0.81
1kb	5.85	10.49	0.56
8kb	19.03	51.33	0.37
16kb	34.09	138.19	0.25
32kb	63.83	299.16	0.21
64kb	127.24	627.7	0.2
gzip decompression
name	isal	zlib	ratio
0b	1.1	1.55	0.71
8b	1.14	1.62	0.71
128b	2.01	2.72	0.74
1kb	3.69	4.85	0.76
8kb	11.9	15.76	0.75
16kb	20.53	27.56	0.75
32kb	36.91	71.95	0.51
64kb	78.15	179.79	0.43
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaon a Ryzen 5600X18:46:35
10 Aug 2024
@lxsameer:matrix.orglxsameer joined the room.20:39:06
11 Aug 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexano pretty graph card for sections view type00:04:32
Download image.png
  • built-in
  • apexcharts
  • mini-graph-card
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe custom lovelace modules are both very big and can't be made smaller00:05:56
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahoping for 2024.8.000:06:08
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaand mini-graph-card only ever shows one value prominenlty00:07:09
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * no pretty graph card for sections layout 🤔00:20:06
13 Aug 2024
@mjm:midna.devmjm i got cliraop built with nix. now the coredump has even less info 03:13:51
@mjm:midna.devmjmok got symbols in there, we're getting somewhere03:52:43
@mjm:midna.devmjmi'm starting to get a hunch that this is crashing just because it's picking ports that aren't open on the firewall04:14:52
@mjm:midna.devmjmhaha that was it, cliraop opens UDP ports for listening from the local IP port range, and the device you're playing to needs to be able to connect to those. and its error handling for if that doesn't work is just...terrible04:46:06
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephenscan you not configure the ports it uses?12:27:39
@mjm:midna.devmjmIt’s hardcoded to open sockets with port 0 so no, not as far as I can tell13:41:40
@mjm:midna.devmjmAt least not without patching cliraop somehow13:42:18

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