
NixOS Home Automation

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12 Oct 2024
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkHi there, I'm trying to install a home-assistant lovelace module (home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.valetudo-map-card), and while it seems to install OK, I don't see the card in lovelace when creating a new entity. When using HACS, I'd have to add a "resource" url in order to complete the installation. Is that also necessary in this case, and if so, how would I find the correct URL to use for the resource20:48:59
@k900:0upti.meK900No, it's not necessary20:50:51
@k900:0upti.meK900But you may need to force refresh the page20:50:56
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkHmm, a force-refresh hasn't helped. When I manually add the yaml block from the valetudo map card docs, lovelace gives an error saying "custom element doesn't exist".20:52:53
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkHere's the config I've written for context: https://git.sr.ht/~johnhamelink/nix/tree/master/item/os/hosts/sun/services/home-assistant.nix#L7320:53:40
Download image.png
@k900:0upti.meK900It works fine for me20:54:03
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinklol, my matrix client doesn't like that image, 2s let me check element.io 🤣20:55:02
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkAhh, right. And to get the card to show up, did you do anything other than add to customLovelaceModules?20:55:45
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkDamn, I wonder where I've gone wrong then :/20:56:58
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkWill try manually restarting and see if I can see anything in the logs that might stop it becoming enabled...20:57:36
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkAh, so there is a "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'xiaomi_gateway'" - I will try and get rid of that now20:59:10
In reply to @johnhamelink:matrix.org
Damn, I wonder where I've gone wrong then :/
automatic resource configuration only works with declarative lovelace configuration
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaso my guess is, you use the ui editor in the frontend21:09:16
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaand not the yaml-based approach21:09:24
# Automatic loading only works with lovelace in yaml mode.
    # lovelaceConfig = {
    #   title = "My Awesome Home";
    #   views = [ {
    #     title = "Example";
    #     cards = [ {
    #       type = "markdown";
    #       title = "Lovelace";
    #       content = "Welcome to your **Lovelace UI**.";
    #     } ];
    #   } ];
    # };
@hexa:lossy.networkhexameans your lovelace config is in storage mode21:10:28
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkYeah, I just disabled that and hardcoded and waddya know, it shows up now :) I was trying to rapidly design the lovelace config so I could then hardcode it into my repo without having to rebuild with each change. Now I have something to bisect at least :) Thank you!21:12:30
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaeither way, nixos deploys the lovelace modules and you can reference them21:13:32
Download image.png
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelinkThank you both, will get cracking configuring out my config now!21:16:25
13 Oct 2024
@kidsan:matrix.org@kidsan:matrix.org left the room.18:32:22
14 Oct 2024
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧wow https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/34814909:40:53
@symphorien:xlumurb.eusymphorienoh I had not looked for previous attempts09:42:36
@symphorien:xlumurb.eusymphorienwhat is the limit on hydra ?09:43:46
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧I don't think they ever made it into any PR because alone fetching the source was to big and after looking at their CI it was kinda given up upon IIRC11:46:13

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