
Nix Haskell

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14 Oct 2024
@alexfmpe:matrix.orgalexfmpeor 99.9 ?19:12:05
@alexfmpe:matrix.orgalexfmpeguess 12.2 is the first plausible "uh oh" ?19:12:46
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan Ross
In reply to @maralorn:maralorn.de
Well, the problem is that I wrote that policy in an attempt to shortcut the survey thing, in the hope that it would reach the same people.
Yeah, a policy based on a survey would be best. Has there been any updates on getting a survey out?

Also, this is my new observation:

(haskell.compiler.${ghcVer}.override { enableDocs = false; }) triggers a cache miss, I guess the nix expression is not optimal in that docs disabled shouldn't cause a rebuild ghcVer from the previous ghcVer

@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolf *

Also, this is my new observation:

(haskell.compiler.${ghcVer}.override { enableDocs = false; }) triggers a cache miss, I guess the nix expression is not optimal in that docs disabled shouldn't cause a rebuild ghcVer from the previous ghcVer.

Downloading everything is still better than rebuilding.. so I fallback

@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolf *

Also, this is my new observation:

(haskell.compiler.${ghcVer}.override { enableDocs = false; }) triggers a cache miss, I guess the nix expression is not optimal in that docs disabled shouldn't cause a rebuild ghcVer from the previous ghcVer.

Downloading more from cache is still better than rebuilding.. so I fallback

@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolf *

Also, this is my new observation:

(haskell.compiler.${ghcVer}.override { enableDocs = false; }) mises the cache, I guess the nix expression is not optimal in that docs disabled shouldn't cause a rebuild ghcVer from the previous ghcVer.

Downloading more from cache is still better than rebuilding.. so I fallback

@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolf *

Also, this is my new observation:

(haskell.compiler.${ghcVer}.override { enableDocs = false; }) mises the cache -> I guess the nix expression is not optimal in that docs disabled shouldn't cause a rebuild ghcVer from the previous ghcVer.

Downloading more from cache is still better than rebuilding.. so I fallback

@fgaz:matrix.orgfgaz hellwolf: I recently wrote https://sr.ht/~fgaz/get-tested4nix/ to automate this kind of setup, you might find it useful 19:35:48
In reply to @hellwolf:matrix.org

Also, this is my new observation:

(haskell.compiler.${ghcVer}.override { enableDocs = false; }) mises the cache -> I guess the nix expression is not optimal in that docs disabled shouldn't cause a rebuild ghcVer from the previous ghcVer.

Downloading more from cache is still better than rebuilding.. so I fallback

what you want would require ca-derivations at the least
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyor, hm, maybe i misunderstand19:40:30
In reply to @fgaz:matrix.org
hellwolf: I recently wrote https://sr.ht/~fgaz/get-tested4nix/ to automate this kind of setup, you might find it useful
Very cool, I will check it out.
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
what you want would require ca-derivations at the least
what I meant is that I expected the docs and the binary are independent derivations, and the parent derivation simply combines them. Hence, when I don't want docs, it shouldn't trigger a rebuild of the ghc binary.
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI don't know how easy GHC's build system makes that19:49:18
In reply to @alexfmpe:matrix.org
guess 12.2 is the first plausible "uh oh" ?
Huh, I guess we need to lobby ghchq to bump to 10 before 9.20. 😄
@alexfmpe:matrix.orgalexfmpeI just want non associative versioning20:08:46
@alexfmpe:matrix.orgalexfmpeHow hard can it be to add _ or whatever delimiter20:09:09
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornWell, no that hard. But probably harder than convincing upstream that it would be pain. 😄20:09:43
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornNo, we should probably just do it. I actually even had a reasonable replacement strategy. It just would need to be implemented.20:10:40
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn * Well, not that hard. But probably harder than convincing upstream that it would be pain. 😄20:10:48
@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolfwhat would make GHC 10 instaed of GHC 9?20:12:12
@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolfmaybe that would be the right timing for cleaning up this technical debt?20:12:27
In reply to @alexfmpe:matrix.org
How hard can it be to add _ or whatever delimiter
FWIW, pkg-name_ver_sion is the Nixpkgs standard
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilybut of course many things do not follow it20:13:44
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyit's documented in the manual20:13:46
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily so ghc_8_10 is "the right thing" 20:13:58
@hellwolf:matrix.orghellwolfghc10 is probably when ghc is basically agda20:14:36
In reply to @maralorn:maralorn.de
Huh, I guess we need to lobby ghchq to bump to 10 before 9.20. 😄
(hey, another reason to ditch those old GHCs before they collide, no? :p )
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
(hey, another reason to ditch those old GHCs before they collide, no? :p )
I think even having the same attribute used for a completely different version in living memory would be a sin.

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