
Nix Haskell

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8 Oct 2024
@schuelermine:matrix.orgschuelermine changed their profile picture.16:32:15
9 Oct 2024
In reply to @mangoiv.:matrix.org
IOG Stil funding this?
The JS backend or GHCJS? We have stopped working on GHCJS altogether.
@doyougnu:matrix.orgdoyougnuRegarding the Linker, yea we know its slow and memory hungry. There is a ticket for this https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/25324, one of the major reasons is that the linker is actually where the JS concrete syntax is being generated. But in all honesty we haven't spent serious cycles trying to improve it yet because we had different priorities come down the pike.10:55:57
In reply to @alexfmpe:matrix.org
Think they stopped funding right before the finish line, but someone picked up the torch
Yea this is Serge S. Gulin he's been a hero in the space
In reply to @doyougnu:matrix.org
The JS backend or GHCJS? We have stopped working on GHCJS altogether.
Yea I thought you dropped it in favour of the new backend so that matches my expectations.
In reply to @doyougnu:matrix.org
The JS backend or GHCJS? We have stopped working on GHCJS altogether.
Ah, I didn’t map you to IOG.^^
In reply to @alexfmpe:matrix.org
I got a very helpful clarification E-Mail from Luite on the situation regarding code size, I embedded that information into my WIP document here: https://md.darmstadt.ccc.de/x3lqwjf4QXaTdBURWoWfhQ?view
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornIf anyone has more details about the state of JS and WASM backend in nixpkgs which I can put into that doc, please let me know.14:17:44
In reply to @maralorn:maralorn.de
I got a very helpful clarification E-Mail from Luite on the situation regarding code size, I embedded that information into my WIP document here: https://md.darmstadt.ccc.de/x3lqwjf4QXaTdBURWoWfhQ?view
"plattform" seems like a typo
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilynice doc btw :)14:51:07
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornHuh, you know. I come from the North of Germany where some of the old people still speak a language called "platt".14:54:46
@schuelermine:matrix.orgschuelermine changed their profile picture.23:46:57
10 Oct 2024
@gulinserge:matrix.orgSerge S. GulinRight now I am on https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/13185 still, it took more time than I expected. It raised many speculative questions from my side but I am in progress with it and something is looking clear. These questions are not about that one optimization. It is more broad: role of sinker, should we extend linker with move advanced dead code elimination, should we extend ghc optimizer with some things from sinker. Take a look at the discussion at the link. Howbeit I am in progress with it and hope soon something will be merged and some decisions will be discussed.07:56:58
@gulinserge:matrix.orgSerge S. GulinRegarding reflex, well, it compiles https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex-dom/pull/474#issuecomment-231009758207:59:16
@gulinserge:matrix.orgSerge S. Gulinhttps://github.com/odr/reflex-js Typeable said they got it compiling there, I was unable to reproduce it at Darwin ARM, but at Linux it should be fine. Need take deeper look what went wrong there.08:00:27
@gulinserge:matrix.orgSerge S. Gulin * https://github.com/odr/reflex-js Typeable said they got it compiling there, I was unable to reproduce it at Darwin ARM, but at Linux it should be fine. Need take deeper look what went wrong there. 08:00:34
@gulinserge:matrix.orgSerge S. GulinI planned to make reflex work but stuck with https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/1318508:01:10
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn Serge S. Gulin: ❤️ 08:07:17
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornI am mostly curious about the stuff in GHC because everything in the libs is probably something I would know how to fix.08:09:16
11 Oct 2024
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilywould appreciate a Haskell maintainer taking a glance at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/34692800:19:15
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily it targets staging because it depends on a PR that was just merged 00:19:32
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily so it can't go to haskell-updates 00:19:36
@shivaraj:matrix.orgshivaraj-bhAny idea about https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/347885?09:48:01
@ozkutuk:tchncs.deozkutuk Does anybody know of a Nix binary cache that caches haskell-nixpkgs packages for GHC versions newer than haskellPackages, say, ghc910? 10:30:59
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornNot generally, no. Not sure about horizon Haskell.10:46:54
@alexfmpe:matrix.orgalexfmpeDoesn't haskell-updates branch get more caching?11:43:15
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornOnly for a few packages.11:54:37
@odrdo:matrix.orgDmitry Olshansky joined the room.15:23:00
@gulinserge:matrix.orgSerge S. Gulin Dmitry Olshansky: 🎉 👋 15:40:10
@adziahel:matrix.org@adziahel:matrix.org left the room.23:25:59

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