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17 Oct 2024
In reply to @maralorn:maralorn.de
otoh, as soon as you publish something on hackage good bound hygiene is mandatory.
you can set x-curated to exclude yourself from curation then you're neither obliged to maintain bounds nor follow PVP
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterninot sure what that setting actually influences though…15:41:19
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterniI think bound management can become easy if someone sits down and writes a little bit of tooling, basically you just need to get notified about releases in your dependencies and then be provided with a install plan to easily test the new possibility15:42:38
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsternithis could probably even be automated completely15:42:50
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornWell I didn't mean there is a rule, just that it is helpful to consumers.15:43:41
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornI mean nomeata automated a significant chunk of that with the cabal bounds stuff.15:44:53
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonn Even without tooling it's often pretty easy in my experience. 15:52:24
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonn Once the API starts changing it's probably not worth perserving buildability with older versions on newer releases anyway. 15:52:50
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonn *preserving 15:52:58
In reply to @sternenseemann:systemli.org
I think bound management can become easy if someone sits down and writes a little bit of tooling, basically you just need to get notified about releases in your dependencies and then be provided with a install plan to easily test the new possibility
the first part is already there. you can enable notifications in hackage settings
In reply to @maralorn:maralorn.de
I mean nomeata automated a significant chunk of that with the cabal bounds stuff.
that was the literal opposite solution of what I had in mind though
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterniiirc it just takes the current plan and converts it into PVP bounds a priori, so they are probably too tight16:09:37
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterni * iirc it just takes the current plan and converts it into PVP bounds a priori, so they are probably too tight in practice16:09:46
@sammy:cherrykitten.dev@sammy:cherrykitten.dev left the room.18:24:53
18 Oct 2024
@b:chreekat.netchreekat https://hackage.haskell.org/upload#versioning_and_curation regarding the x-curation field 08:31:02
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyhmm, what is the purpose of Hackage offering to host packages that are explicitly opting out of playing well with the ecosystem…?08:33:11
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI remember controversy over metadata revisions but not that it had reached this point08:33:18
@b:chreekat.netchreekatas best I can tell, it was a compromise made at the height of the controversy. Packages lacking bounds already existed, then revisions started happening, some people wanted to be able to opt out08:34:27
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyyeah. seems reasonable to say that if you want your code on Hackage then you have to play nice, but I do remember fights about it.08:35:15
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI wonder if any package actually sets the "don't email me" value 😅08:35:34
In reply to @sternenseemann:systemli.org
I think bound management can become easy if someone sits down and writes a little bit of tooling, basically you just need to get notified about releases in your dependencies and then be provided with a install plan to easily test the new possibility
this has existed for a long time. It's Stackage. :)
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
I wonder if any package actually sets the "don't email me" value 😅
lol yeah. I find it funny that the setting doesn't seem to opt you out of curation at all. It just lets you stop getting emails about it...
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily I think it's implicit in saying that it's a variant of uncurated, which "choose[s] to exclude individual package uploads from curation" 08:37:34
@b:chreekat.netchreekat But then it also says, " Trustees or maintainers may adopt uncurated packages into the curated layer through metadata revisions. " 08:39:03
@b:chreekat.netchreekatto be fair I don't really understand what that means08:40:05
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily oh, true indeed. and then wtf does uncurated-seeking-adoption mean given that 08:40:50
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyclassic political compromise I guess08:41:07
@b:chreekat.netchreekatwith a hint of passive aggressiveness08:41:17
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI'm going to assume 3 really angry people used this functionality religiously for a year and nobody else ever has08:41:17

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