
Nix Flakes

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22 Oct 2021
@tyberius_prime:matrix.orgTyberiusPrimeI mean like `myflake.url = "/home/TyberiusPrime/ThisIsWhereTheFlakeLives?rev=sha256";'09:50:40
@tyberius_prime:matrix.orgTyberiusPrime as opposed to myflake.url = "path://home/TyberiusPrime/ThisIsWhereTheFlakeLives?rev=sha256"; 09:50:58
@tyberius_prime:matrix.orgTyberiusPrime * I mean like myflake.url = "/home/TyberiusPrime/ThisIsWhereTheFlakeLives?rev=sha256"; 09:51:07
@tyberius_prime:matrix.orgTyberiusPrime(plus minus a / on "path:/")09:51:40
@deeunderscore:feneas.orgDee pretty sure you need to do git+file:// explictly, otherwise it won't guess it's a Git repo by itself 10:55:46
In reply to @tyberius_prime:matrix.org
hey guys, does a ?rev=XYZ on a path:/flake input not actually check out the correct XYZ into the store?!
path:/flake doesn't do any git stuff
In reply to @deeunderscore:feneas.org
pretty sure you need to do git+file:// explictly, otherwise it won't guess it's a Git repo by itself
I think it actually should guess it's a git repo
@balsoft:balsoft.rubalsoftBut maybe I'm wrong12:09:40
@balsoft:balsoft.rubalsoft Anyways, if it doesn't guess it's a git repo, it should fail when it encounters ?rev=, right? 12:09:59
In reply to @tyberius_prime:matrix.org
(apparently not. And you can't even do 'git checkout XYZ', because it's pushing .git into the store and that will obviously have changed so you get a nice little narHash mismatch)
Wait, I don't think it should be putting .git in the nix store in git+file mode, so it's probably not guessing correctly indeed
@balsoft:balsoft.rubalsoftAh, wait, what?12:11:16
In reply to @tyberius_prime:matrix.org
as opposed to myflake.url = "path://home/TyberiusPrime/ThisIsWhereTheFlakeLives?rev=sha256";
Yeah this is definitely not going to work... It should probably fail when it encounters ?path though
23 Oct 2021
@enzime:nixos.devEnzime joined the room.12:18:18
24 Oct 2021
@mkroehnert:matrix.orgmkroehnert joined the room.21:40:30
26 Oct 2021
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgchanged room power levels.01:15:54
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot changed their display name from mjolnir to NixOS Moderation Bot.02:00:10
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot set a profile picture.02:00:28
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot changed their profile picture.02:23:42
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot changed their profile picture.02:33:12
@Las:matrix.orgLas Does anyone know what the equivalent of nix-env --set is with nix profile? 10:08:25
@Las:matrix.orgLas I want to use nix profile for setting my system profile, but obviously nix profile install isn't the solution here. 10:08:50
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberek nix profile remove '.*' ; nix profile install ? :) 13:07:03
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberekalmost, but it will make an extra generation13:07:18
@lovesegfault:matrix.orglovesegfault I'm getting rate limited when doing nix flake update, is there any way to provide it my GH token? 17:40:54
@cafkafk:matrix.orgcafkafk removed their profile picture.18:58:46
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @lovesegfault:matrix.org
I'm getting rate limited when doing nix flake update, is there any way to provide it my GH token?
/etc/nix/netrc was it? And then netrc-file = /etc/nix/netrc
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* `/etc/nix/netrc` was it? And then `netrc-file = /etc/nix/netrc` (in the nix config)19:17:10
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈 You do nix build --profile :/ 23:02:05
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈 cc: Las ^ 23:02:11
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈 approximately: sudo nix "${nixargs[@]}" build --no-link --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system "${out}" 23:02:52

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