
Nix Flakes

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22 Aug 2024
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel changed their profile picture.14:53:04
@niko:puppygock.gaynyanbinary 🏳️‍⚧️ left the room.17:20:37
24 Aug 2024
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelis there any better way of doing nix flake updates like this?02:18:32
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur ManuelDownload fzuplock.py02:18:33
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manueli am aware that in later versions of nix you can just do `nix flake update (inputs) --flake (flake-dir) but i moved to 2.18 again after some nixpkgs weirdness02:20:15
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel i am aware that in later versions of nix you can just do nix flake update (inputs) --flake (flake-dir) but i moved to 2.18 again after some nixpkgs weirdness 02:20:23
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel
In reply to@asmundesen:matrix.org
i meant flake.lock updates, my bad

should still be inferrable however
26 Aug 2024
@von.dev:matrix.orgvon.dev joined the room.13:06:53
27 Aug 2024
@oliver.falvai:oliverfalvai.xyz@oliver.falvai:oliverfalvai.xyz joined the room.10:51:40
@aloisw:kde.org@aloisw:kde.org left the room.17:20:35
28 Aug 2024
@ereslibre:matrix.org@ereslibre:matrix.org left the room.07:37:35
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmyth joined the room.19:55:40
29 Aug 2024
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) joined the room.05:50:48
30 Aug 2024
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) changed their display name from Artur Manuel (old email was lost, migrating) to (lambda (u) (format nil "~A lost their email!" u)) "Artur Manuel".03:53:01
@zmitchell:matrix.orgzmitchell set a profile picture.22:09:28
1 Sep 2024
@giyo_moon:matrix.orggiyo_moon joined the room.18:46:27
@giyo_moon:matrix.orggiyo_moonHey! I'm fairly new to nix flake (or nix as whole) and I'm currently trying to build a flake config that I can use as an input in another flake. My current problem is that it want's me to "relay" the inputs of the reusable flake or it errors with "attribute inputs missing". How can I setup my reusable flake to use it's own inputs when calling modules? 19:06:08
@giyo_moon:matrix.orggiyo_moonoh wow, I missed that the local flake I used as an input gets cached badly and I had to flake update on changes xD oof. Thanks anyway!19:12:54
@accelbread:matrix.org@accelbread:matrix.org left the room.23:41:00
2 Sep 2024
@frumon:matrix.orgFrumon joined the room.10:11:17
3 Sep 2024
@cynerd:matrix.orgcynerd left the room.14:30:53
@cynerd:matrix.orgcynerd joined the room.14:39:22
4 Sep 2024

So if a nix flake update updates to a broken system, how would you revert to a previous lockfile? Would you just have to make a backup of the lockfile before you run the update? Or could you sort of source those from a previous generation

5 Sep 2024
@necoarc:transfem.dev@necoarc:transfem.dev joined the room.03:38:08
@necoarc:transfem.dev@necoarc:transfem.dev removed their display name Neco-Arc.03:49:32
@necoarc:transfem.dev@necoarc:transfem.dev removed their profile picture.03:49:32
@necoarc:transfem.dev@necoarc:transfem.dev left the room.03:49:32
@anderson_torres:matrix.orgAnderson Torres
In reply to @hopland:nitro.chat

So if a nix flake update updates to a broken system, how would you revert to a previous lockfile? Would you just have to make a backup of the lockfile before you run the update? Or could you sort of source those from a previous generation

solution 1: always git your lockfile
solution 2: pick some previous version known to work
@anderson_torres:matrix.orgAnderson TorresI remember some flag of `nix flake` that overrides the pointer of a flake input04:02:49
@anderson_torres:matrix.orgAnderson TorresDiscourse to the rescue! How to update lock file input to a specific version - Help - NixOS Discourse https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-update-lock-file-input-to-a-specific-version/1888104:05:14

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