
Nix Flakes

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17 Jul 2024
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4Thanks, Nix(OS)! I dig the expressivity.15:50:59
@charles:computer.surgeryCharles if you don't want to expose them you could just put them in a let binding or something yeah 16:13:38
18 Jul 2024
@tewi:queer.cattewi 🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.00:24:02
@hopland:nitro.chatBigBabyThor joined the room.00:55:58
@zaphar_ps:matrix.orgzaphar_ps joined the room.02:34:11
@pvsr:matrix.orgpvsr joined the room.07:00:00
@feel_stool:matrix.orgfeel_stool joined the room.16:13:30
@sofo:matrix.org@sofo:matrix.org changed their display name from Sofie to Sofie (AWAY).16:38:12
@tewi:queer.cattewi 🏳️‍⚧️ changed their profile picture.23:50:51
@tewi:queer.cattewi 🏳️‍⚧️ removed their profile picture.23:52:42
@tewi:queer.cattewi 🏳️‍⚧️ set a profile picture.23:53:17
19 Jul 2024
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their display name from tauphi to Ms.Connection.23:59:26
20 Jul 2024
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their display name from Ms.Connection to Ms. Connection.00:00:33
@phileas:asra.gr@phileas:asra.gr left the room.16:53:38
21 Jul 2024
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMariusIs there some ways to disable locking of some inputs (temporarelly), like a dependancy to a local copy of Nixpkgs?13:03:47
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMariusAlso, it is possible to not use the git indexing for local git repo?13:05:34
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius * Is there some ways to disable locking of some inputs (temporarelly), like a dependancy to a local copy of Nixpkgs? (edit: it seems Nix does it automatically now when it already point to a local repo)13:13:24
In reply to @marius851000:mariusdavid.fr
Is there some ways to disable locking of some inputs (temporarelly), like a dependancy to a local copy of Nixpkgs?
(edit: it seems Nix does it automatically now when it already point to a local repo)
Are you looking for nix flake lock --update-input input-name --override-input input-name ../input/path?
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlasSo, the official recommendation is to use flakes in vanilla form (i.e. without flake-lib or flake modules, ...), right?15:06:53
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlasI've been taking my base configuration flake down that road, so far, but now I'm encountering a problem, where I feel I should use flake modules: I want to generate flake apps based on some config inputs, and I feel like flake modules are appropriate there. Or can somebody recommend alternatives?15:08:59
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlas * I've been taking my base configuration flake down that road, so far, but now I'm encountering a problem, where I feel I should use flake modules: I want to generate flake apps based on some config inputs, and I feel like flake-parts would be appropriate there. Or can somebody recommend alternatives?15:10:32
22 Jul 2024
@brokenpip3:matrix.org@brokenpip3:matrix.org left the room.07:46:08
@luke:vuksta.comLuke joined the room.22:21:17
23 Jul 2024
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.orgEzzobir Bezziou joined the room.08:20:05
@sethrankada52:matrix.org@sethrankada52:matrix.org left the room.15:30:02
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:16:07
@charmonium:matrix.orgsam joined the room.18:27:35
@charmonium:matrix.orgsam How do I run the checkPhase of a particular package in nix flake check? 18:27:50
25 Jul 2024
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4 Hi folks, can I automatically extract attributes from an attribute set? Imagine that I have many things inside let ... in that get build and used in side dev shells. But I also want to be able to build them as a first class citizen. I can inherti <thing>, but doing it for 10 things seems bit awkward. 09:01:40
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4 * Hi folks, can I automatically extract attributes from an attribute set? Imagine that I have many things inside let ... in that get build and used in side dev shells. But I also want to be able to build them as a first class citizen. I can inherit <thing>, but doing it for 10 things seems bit awkward. 09:01:46

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