
Nix Flakes

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11 Jul 2024
@echobc:matrix.org@echobc:matrix.org joined the room.15:21:17
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot banned @echobc:matrix.org@echobc:matrix.org (<no reason supplied>).15:21:17
12 Jul 2024
@valconius:matrix.org@valconius:matrix.org left the room.01:17:08
@brian:bmcgee.ie@brian:bmcgee.ie left the room.05:28:44
@willbush:matrix.org@willbush:matrix.org left the room.07:55:46
13 Jul 2024
@isabel:isabelroses.com@isabel:isabelroses.com changed their profile picture.10:43:43
@rmdonaldson:matrix.orgrmdonaldson joined the room.16:31:57
@rmdonaldson:matrix.orgrmdonaldson Is there any general guidance on having a default.nix in a project that also has a flake.nix, or is it mostly a question of personal preference/"how do I want to factor this project specifically"? 17:00:56
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.org left the room.19:01:19
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberekPeople will often use https://github.com/edolstra/flake-compat as a default.nix (no need to add it to your flake) to make the project support both styles.19:02:35
@rmdonaldson:matrix.orgrmdonaldsonOoooh interesting. 19:03:15
@rmdonaldson:matrix.orgrmdonaldsonI'll check that out, thanks!19:03:28
@ronnypfannschmidt:matrix.orgRonnyanyone aware of a tool to help shake the graph, - i have about 4 dfferent pins for flake-utils and flake-conpat each, and simlilary many for a few more its most tendious/error prone to set up all the follows21:45:05
14 Jul 2024
@soispha:vhack.euBenedikt You can use nix-melt to get a better grasp of the dependency graph 06:34:57
@ronnypfannschmidt:matrix.orgRonnythis was exactly what i needed, thanks !!!14:47:56
@cathal_mullan:matrix.orgCJ joined the room.15:43:03
15 Jul 2024
@realbeing2453tyhr:matrix.org@realbeing2453tyhr:matrix.org left the room.01:43:08
@loving-melody:matrix.org@loving-melody:matrix.org left the room.03:38:08
@dminca:matrix.orgdminca changed their display name from dminca to nixpkgs.17:28:43
@dminca:matrix.orgdminca changed their display name from nixpkgs to dminca.17:42:21
16 Jul 2024
@charmonium:matrix.orgsam left the room.03:47:46
@josi:catgirl.cloudJosefine joined the room.06:30:52
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.12:14:34
@zkourouma:matrix.orgrouma7 joined the room.17:30:00
@judson:matrix.orgJudson joined the room.21:34:21
17 Jul 2024
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4 joined the room.15:23:09
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4Hi folks, is there a way to build intermediate outputs? Say my project has several subprojects that need different build envs, but do not really exist on their own and therefore maintaining bunch of individual Flakes feels as an extra hassle15:24:55
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4Hm, maybe I am reinventing a wheel. It should be possible to just build different derivations within the top Flake and use these, right?15:39:59
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4Ah, and they don't need to be packages if I don't want them to be exposed.15:50:38

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