
Nix Flakes

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12 May 2024
@verlannow:matrix.org@verlannow:matrix.org joined the room.07:22:03
13 May 2024
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.org joined the room.01:51:07
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.org Is this ok to run nix flake update && sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#device --upgrade ~once a month? 01:53:57
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.orgDepends on what your system is for. You may want certain security fixes sooner than that.02:36:00
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.org BTW, I'm pretty sure the --upgrade flag to nixos-rebuild does nothing when using a flake. 02:36:36
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.org aidalgol: Homeserver... plex, samba, nothing crazy. This is my first time using Nixos. 02:48:27
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.orgSounds lower-risk then.02:49:17
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.org * aidalgol: Homeserver... plex, samba, nothing crazy. This is my first time using Nixos. I just run it on a low power mini-atx build, 24/7. 02:49:19
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.org I'd say keep an eye on #security:nixos.org for anything that affects any external-facing services or the OS itself, and act accordingly. 02:49:59
In reply to @aidalgol:matrix.org
BTW, I'm pretty sure the --upgrade flag to nixos-rebuild does nothing when using a flake.
How do I upgrade the nixos system files then? Or does nix flake update do that for me?
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.org That's what nix flake update does, yeah. 02:51:29
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.orgYou should keep your config under version control.02:53:08
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.org And then use nix flake update --commit-lock-file. 02:53:23
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.org But do I have manually hardcode nixos versions, like nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-23.12"; when its ready? 02:53:27
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.org Yes, nix flake update only updates the VCS revision each input points to, but it does not change the input URL. So if you were tracking nixos-unstable, you would never need to change the input URL, but if you're tracking versioned releases, you will need to do that manually. This goes for flakes in general, not just with nixpkgs/NixOS. 02:55:20
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.orgyeah, i wanted to stay on stable because it was my first time, but unstable seems like the way to go. my plex version is like 8mo behind.02:57:28
@aidalgol:matrix.org@aidalgol:matrix.orgWith how easy it is to roll back NixOS, tracking unstable is pretty safe.03:00:28
@conr:mozilla.org@conr:mozilla.orgI'll have to try that next time I have a free weekend.03:07:51
@arianvp:matrix.org@arianvp:matrix.org left the room.17:38:48
@fomosapien:matrix.org@fomosapien:matrix.org changed their display name from Triskelion to Triskelion (AFK).21:26:14
14 May 2024
@azahi:azahi.cc@azahi:azahi.cc joined the room.10:26:59
@thatoo:matrix.orgThatooHello, How can I add this keyboard layout to my configuration.nix file while I'm using flakes : https://github.com/Nuclear-Squid/ergol/raw/main/0_7_0/ergol.xkb_custom ?12:09:15

If I just add

  compiledLayout = pkgs.runCommand "keyboard-layout" {} ''
    ${pkgs.xorg.xkbcomp}/bin/xkbcomp ${/path/to/file//ergol.xkb} $out
  services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands = "${pkgs.xorg.xkbcomp}/bin/xkbcomp ${compiledLayout} $DISPLAY";

on top of my configuration.nix file, I get an error

In reply to @thatoo:matrix.org
How can I add this keyboard layout to my configuration.nix file while I'm using flakes : https://github.com/Nuclear-Squid/ergol/raw/main/0_7_0/ergol.xkb_custom ?
do you know how to do that without flakes?
@thatoo:matrix.orgThatoono, I just read https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Keyboard_Layout_Customization12:15:57
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.plokay, are you configuring your system using flakes?12:16:48
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.plall right, then you have a nixosConfiguration with all the settings12:18:34
@thatoo:matrix.orgThatooa configuration.nix file, yes12:18:51
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.plthe settings don't have anything to do with flakes, just so you know12:18:54

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